Friday 26 September 2014

Craigton update

Hello everyone ,

We have had a busy time at nursery recently . We are really making the most of the lovely weather and continuing to spend a lot of time outdoors . The children have had a great time watching  the leaves change colour and fall from the trees - they've been trying to catch them as they fall , and have gathered piles of leaves which have been transported around the garden in wheelbarrows , trucks and pockets too! The sunflowers planted some new tress in the grassy area this week too, and are taking good care of them . The trees next to the digging area outside the Wendy House are willow , which we hope will grow into a lovely shelter - they've also planted some in the growing area which we can use for making all kinds of things once they have grown .

This term the sunflowers have been working in smaller groups with a dedicated member of staff  - we hope this will encourage more opportunities for staff observation and allow children's contributions and ideas to be acted on - this is much easier to follow through with smaller groups . This will allow staff to focus more on each child's experience, and build closer bonds with the children and families Each group will  be using floorbooks to record ideas and progress and we hope that parents will also contribute to these .
There will still be the opportunity for the children to all be together at mealtimes and during outdoor play .

The schoolhouse are currently reviewing their planning and there will be some changes here soon - I'll let you have more information on this soon . We are asking for all children in this building to please bring in photos of family/friends for display in the rooms - the children love being able to show the other children and staff people they know and this is often a great starting point for conversations , as well as comforting for children to see familiar faces whilst with us .
This building will also be reintroducing homebooks - once all organised we will ask you to take these home at the end of your nursery week and add anything of interest that happens at home - just a couple of lines a maybe a photo are all thats needed - this gives us valuable information on your child.

Many thanks to those of you who have contacted me saying that you like the blog posts :-) much appreciated! I will however  try to keep them shorter though possibly more frequent .

Don't forget to tell us if there's anything you'd like posted on here - if you're involved in a charity event , or have some information you feel would be of interest to other parents please let me know .

And finally , Parents Evening will be on Wednesday 19th November  6-7:30pm . This is an informal evening where you can  come along and talk to staff about your child's progress , have a look at the activities on offer to them , and also have the chance  to meet other parents . There will be several reminders of this date so we hope you can all make it .

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