Wednesday 30 November 2011

Parents Evening

Thank you to all of you who braved the horrible weather and came along to Parents evening last night . It was great to see so many of you there , and lovely for all of us to have the chance to have a decent chat with you - thank you also for your feedback on your children's(and your) experience of the nursery- its really valuable and interesting for us to hear how  your children share their new knowledge and skills with you at home ...we always like to hear what they do when not here too! We hope that you all had an informative and enjoyable time too :-)

Dont worry if you weren't able to make it - please see the staff in your child's department - you are welcome to take their folio home (but please make sure you bring it back). Staff will be happy to discuss their progress with you , or answer any questions you may have .

Giving Tree gifts need to be with us tomorrow please - they will be collected on Friday. Every year we are astonished at the generosity of parents and staff....and this year is no exception . The children you have so kindly donated gifts to will be delighted and you have all spread some REAL Christmas spirit- what could be better than giving joy to a child at this time of year . As the children are unable to thank you themselves , may I do so on their behalf  ....THANK YOU SO MUCH !

Tuesday 29 November 2011


Don't forget Parents Evening tonight 6-7:30pm - we're looking forward to seeing you all!

And please hand in any gifts for the Giving Tree Appeal by Thursday this week , as they will be picked up by Santa's helpers on Friday - thank you .

Thursday 24 November 2011


I am delighted to tell you that Gail and Emma, both in the buttercups , have today completed  their work for SVQ II . Any of you who have gained qualifications whilst working full time , will be aware of the huge commitment and amount of hard work involved to achieve this. Well done both of you- we're all very proud of you ! :-) 

Winter weather arrangements

Good afternoon everyone ,

Following a Parent Forum meeting last night(minutes in each department) Id like to let you know about some arrangements should we have heavy snow/ice over the winter . We are fully stocked with grit/salt and have arrangements in place for snow clearing . However , given the awful conditions last year, and the subsequent problems this caused , we have decided that in the case of heavy snow , the carpark will be closed until it can be cleared , and then reopened when safe to do so . As we are unable to clear the carpark when its in use , this is the safest option . Notice of closures will be posted on the blog as soon as possible , but please be aware that if you have difficulty getting here due to snow , it is likely that the carpark will be closed .
Also , although we make every effort to ensure that the nursery stays open in adverse weather conditions , this is dependant on our staffing levels . We have several staff who live in Aberdeenshire , others who use public transport , and some with children at school. If roads are blocked , buses disrupted or schools closed , our staff are unable to get here - this means we may need to close early. Again this will be posted on the blog , so please make sure you check your mail when the weather is bad - thank you .

There are still a few gift tags available for the Giving Tree appeal - please remember to have the gifts back to us by Thursday 1st December as they will be collected on the 2nd .

And finally , don't forget its Parents Evening next week - Tuesday 29th November 6-7:30pm - we look forward  to seeing you then !

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Literacy News

The Literacy Trust have just launched a new website for parents . Its packed with information about books and how to support and encourage your child's reading and love of stories .
The advice and information is given by age group and gives parents guidance about their child's reading milestones . There are book recommendations and lots of resources to download - its definitely worth a look !  


Pre-school Eye tests

Good morning ,

The P1 eye testing programme has been changed and all children in their pre-school year are now being offered eye tests. Information on this , and consent forms have today been issued to those children( birth dates between 01/03/07-29/02/08). The orthoptist will be here on Thursday 1st December in the afternoon , and a further date TBC for those children not attending that day . If you are happy for your child to have this test , you don't need to do anything else , but if you'd prefer they weren't tested , please return the tear off slip to me before 1st December - thank you

Monday 21 November 2011

Dates for your Diary

Good afternoon everyone ,

Don't forget its Parents Evening next Tuesday 29th November 6 to 7:30pm - please come along and see what your children have been doing at nursery , have a glass of wine and the opportunity to talk to staff and meet other parents - we hope you can all make it!

The Sunflowers Christmas Concert will be on Tuesday 20th December at 3pm . All parents, grandparents , aunties and uncles etc are welcome to this star studded event. Sunflowers parents will be given more information about this event nearer the time , but please keep this date free- you really dont want to miss this !

All departments will be having their Christmas party on Thursday 22nd December 2-4pm . All buttercups and sunflowers are invited to come along for all the festive fun and to meet a very special visitor - yes indeed I have had confirmation that Santa will be here to meet all the Craigton children that day ! The snowdrops and bluebells have their  own more restrained celebrations for the children that normally attend, as all that excitement can be rather overwhelming for the little ones ! But I'm sure that Santa will have gifts for all!

Many of you will have already  started your christmas shopping , and some will be taking advantage of online shopping . If so , please note that we are now registered with Easy Fundraising . If you shop online at all , please access through this , and each time you shop , a donation will be made to our Staff Development Fund - its doesn't cost you anything - you just need to register at  .......most major retailers can be accessed through this site so please register and each time you buy online here , you'll  help us raise funds - thank you . 

Our web designer , Susan Yule , has been very busy updating our website ,and we hope that our new improved content will be online soon - this will include a gallery of photos taken at the nursery . This area will be password protected and only accessible to parents and staff at the nursery. Susan is a very talented photographer and her pictures of the children are delightful - you'll be able to order prints of these from Susan( and you'll want to !) with a donation from each to the Staff Development Fund . If for any reason you do not wish your child/children's pictures to be posted , please let me know and we'll make sure they don't appear . I like to thank Susan and Barry for their time and effort in creating and maintaining  our website and for their continued support of our fundraising efforts - its very much appreciated guys ! They can also do the same for you , as well as graphic design(and I can highly recommend them!) - you can contact Susan on

We shall soon be saying a fond farewell to Pamela(0-2yrs) . She has been with us for 2 1/2 years as a part-time assistant in the schoolhouse . Pamela is also a qualified beauty therapist ,and has started her own mobile business . So although we shall be sorry to see her go , we wish her huge success in her new venture. Her cards and leaflets are available in the nursery so please take one !

If you have anything you'd like to share with the other parents through the blog .... a charity event ,  services you can provide ,  or information you think may be of interest to others , please let me know and Ill post it on here- this is for us all to use :-)

And finally :  The nursery will be closing at 6pm on Friday 23rd December and reopening 8am on Wednesday 4th January 2012

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Giving Tree Appeal

Good afternoon everyone ,

We are very pleased to be part of the Giving Tree appeal which we support every year . This is an appeal run by the Instant Neighbour Charity for children in the local area who would otherwise miss out on  a visit  from Santa. They may be in care , or living in circumstances where Christmas presents are  not possible - given the hype surrounding us already , I know that this is hard to believe , but some children in this area are much less fortunate than yours , and every child deserves to experience some Christmas magic .

There are gift tags in each department -they give the age and sex of a child - please choose a suitable gift , wrap it , attach the gift tag and return it to us by Thursday 1st December, as Santa's helpers will be collecting them on Friday 2nd Dec . 

We are all aware that this is a very busy and expensive time for all , but please do this . So as you are battling through the shops desperately seeking that last Ben 10 watch or Peppa Pig tiara, wondering how you'll get that massive turkey in the oven and where on earth everyone is going to sit ....and as you franticly wrap presents on Christmas Eve , looking forward  to the look of wonder on your children's faces the next morning , you will know that you have given the best gift of all - joy to a child who sorely needs it! And that's what Christmas is all about- so go on -  you'll feel good I promise!


Tuesday 15 November 2011

Health Notice

Good afternoon ,

We have received a notice from the NHS that there is currently an outbreak of hand,  foot and mouth across the country , and we have had one confirmed case in the nursery today . This is a mild viral condition that can cause blisters on the hands , feet and mouth - though not necessarily all of these. The NHS have advised that if the child feels unwell or has a temperature , they should not attend nursery . If the child does not have a temperature , and is otherwise well , they may attend nursery . If you would like further information on this or any other illness/infection , I can recommend  . In the meantime , please make use of the hand sanitiser available in both buildings - thank you .

Some of you may have noticed that the mini bus has gone- many a happy journey was made in this , but it was time to say goodbye - we shall be getting a new bus in the spring time to be used for trips and outings . In the meantime , the extra space has allowed us to erect a new shed - the children and indeed some of the staff were fascinated watching our handyman Fred , build this- it was  a major undertaking!  The ongoing maintenance continues , with new windows in the sunflowers room and painting in the schoolhouse - this will be going on  for sometime as all work needs to be done while the nursery is closed - so please look out for wet paint over the coming weeks !

A reminder to come along for Parents Evening on Tuesday 29th November 6:00pm to 7:30 pm - hope to see you all there ! Please let staff know if you'll be able to attend - it always helps to know how many will be coming along - thank you .

And finally , the nursery will be closing at 6pm on Friday 23rd Dec and re-opening 8am Wednesday 4th Jan 2012

Thursday 3 November 2011

Hello again

Good afternoon everyone ,

I hope that you're all adjusting to the darker nights - its a strange time of year so just as well we have so much going on ! We all had a lovely time at Halloween - we had witches and princesses , superheroes and pumpkins , sunflowers and skeletons galore , as well as some beautiful lanterns the children brought in - thanks to you all for the effort made and for sharing those with us! The children are also all looking forward to Guy Fawkes Night this weekend - they have been making beautiful pictures of fireworks and learning about fire safety at the same time- I hope you all manage to get along to a firework display and stay safe !

At the end of the month we also have St. Andrew's Day(30th Nov)- for the non Scots amongst you , thats  Scotland's patron saint and is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate all things scottish. So look out for tartan,  haggis , shortbread et al , but we'll leave the whisky tasting to you!

A reminder that Parents Evening is on Thursday 29th November 6:30 to 8pm - please come along and join us. There will also be a Parent Forum meeting on Wed 23rd November so please see any member of the forum if there's anything you'd like raised at the meeting . This years parent representatives are  :: Alison Siggins, Hazel Farquhar ,  Mirijam Green , Susan Yule , Angela OBrien , Sacha Waldin , Lyn Cowie and  Claire Molloy .

Looking ahead to the festivities at the end of the year : The NSPCC have a fundraising campaign where you can have a special letter from Santa for  a suggested donation of £5.00- if you'd like more information or to register your details , please visit
All the children have been making designs for their own Xmas cards  which will be sent off  tomorrow. They will be made into cards which you will then have  the opportunity to buy-and Im sure you will love them . And talking of cards.......please , please , please dont send every child/staff member at the nursery a card . The whole nursery is committed to reducing waste and recycling wherever possible  . If you'd like to send cards , please just one for the whole class - these will be displayed for all the children to see(and recycled in the new year)-so save a tree and some money! :-)

If you're having a clearout to make room for all the goodies Santa will be bringing - dont forget we have a charity bin outside the pre-school building.

A few quick reminders too : we have a healthy eating policy at the nursery , please don't bring sweets , cakes or similar treats - they will not be distributed and will be returned to you .
The top carpark is for staff only - please park in the bottom carpark and walk up the driveway
Please remember to close and chain the gates in the garden every time , and please dont let anyone else into the nursery buildings - thank you .

And finally ...I shall be on leave next week(7th to 11th) . Emails will not be monitored during this time  , so please phone us if you need to tell us/ask anything. If you wish to make any cash payments for anything , please wait until my return on  Monday 14th November .
