Friday 28 October 2011

Good News

Good afternoon everyone ,

I am very pleased to tell you that we will be welcoming Suzanne back to the sunflowers after her maternity leave. She will be returning on Monday (along with her daughter) and we're all delighted to see her again . She and Donna will be sharing Senior Practitioner responsibilities in the sunflowers- Suzanne will be here Monday - Wednesday and Donna Tuesday , Thursday Friday . Welcome back !!!!!

I am also delighted that we shall have a new cook starting next week too- Georgia is an experienced nursery cook and we are all looking forward to her lovely lunches . I have enjoyed making the lunches for the past couple of months(and I hope the children have too) but am looking forward to getting back to my 'real' job!

We are very fortunate to have our lovely outdoor area at Craigton and we make the most of it every day. We all believe that outdoor play and learning is essential for the children's health and development, and the children are all outdoors for part of the day. But they need to be properly dressed when outside . So please ensure that your child has adequate outdoor gear every day - a waterproof suit or jacket and trousers , hat , gloves and boots  - also soft soled shoes or slippers for indoors .   We do have a very limited stock of spare suits - so if you have any  that your children no longer use , we'd gladly accept them , and they'd be well used|!

 ....and its Halloween ! We have already seen some lovely costumes and are looking forward to next week when Im sure there will be many more . The sunflowers went on a trip to Asda yesterday afternoon  to choose and buy special Halloween items for the whole nursery - thank you sunflowers!  The children have  also been investigating Diwali (festsival of light) and have made a lovely display in their room of items used to celebrate this festival .

Dont forget that the clocks go back this weekend - yes winter really is on the way !

Hope you all have a scream at any Halloween parties ! - Enjoy the weekend .

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Autumn is here!

Good afternoon everyone ,

Yes indeed , autumn is here and by all accounts winter is fast approaching - Yes its true ! At Craigton we have been making the most of the crisp days(in between the rain!) - all the children have been for walks in and around the village over the past week , collecting leaves and other autumn treasures . The sunflowers enjoyed an exciting trip to Drum castle with lots to see and do , and Im told that they all slept well that night !

As it is turning colder , please make sure your child has suitable outdoor clothing - this needs to be waterproof and warm - don't forget gloves , hats , scarves and wellies/boots and some soft soled shoes/slippers for indoors . Wherever possible , please name or initial all items or they may well be lost - Thank you .

A date for your diary - PARENTS EVENING will be on Tuesday 29th November 6:00pm to 7:30pm . This is an informal evening where you can come along and chat to the staff about your child's general progress , have  a look through their nursery folios , and see some of the activities that the children enjoy here- you can even try them out if you like !Its also a good opportunity to meet other parents - many a play date has been arranged at these evenings :-)

The sunflowers and buttercups have been busy making their books for the 'Wee Blether' project and we're all looking forward to the finished products!

You will no doubt have noticed that its almost Halloween - how could you miss it ? All children are welcome to come to nursery in their Halloween costumes , and we'd be very pleased to see any lanterns you're making at home - so please bring them in.  We are also looking forward to Guy Fawkes Night  but please leave the fireworks at home !

Don't forget that the clocks go back next weekend (30th) so it really will be winter then - we had new outdoor lights fitted on the schoolhouse over the summer so your path will be well lit - but please take care all the same.

And finally looking ahead - the nursery will close at 6pm on Friday 23rd December and re-open at 8 am on Wednesday 4th Jan 2012

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Letter from Jean Mackay to all parents

Please click here to view a letter to all parents from Jean Mackay, owner of Craigton Lodge Nursery, in response to the recent Parent Forum meeting.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Hello again

Just to let you know that the sunflowers and buttercups have been invited to take part in 'a RIGHT wee blether ' This is a creative conversation led by Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People and is for children in Scotland  aged 2 to 5yrs .

The children will be asked 5 questions and their answers will be recorded in their own illustrated book called  'A Wee Book About Me'. All the childrens responses will be used anonymously to inform the Commissioners work over the next four years .

Letters giving further details, as well as consent forms  have been issued to parents today and you can also find out more about the Commissioner's work at

We shall be taking part between 10th and 21st October - we're looking forward to some interesting answers!


Thank you

Good afternoon everyone ,

Thanks to all of those who made it along to our Ladies evening last week . We had  a very good turnout  and a very enjoyable evening . There is still some money to come in but the total for the evening so far is £123.00 . So thank you all for making the effort to come along.

Our web designer , Susan Yule, came along with some lovely new pictures she has taken of the children at Craigton  . We shall soon have a  link on the webiste for parents to view these pictures - this will be password protected so only parents at the nursery can view them(if you'd prefer not to have your child on the website , please let me know and we wont  display them) . You will then be able to order prints from Susan . They really are gorgeous pictures - Susan is a very talented photographer ,and captures each child's personality. We'll let you know when they are available to view.

And a big Craigton welcome to Roz Vickery , who started as  a nursery assistant in the schoolhouse today . Roz will be with us for a year before returning to University to study for her masters. Roz will be 'floating' in the schoolhouse , spending time in each department so hopefully you'll all meet her soon.

As the school holidays are fast approaching , some of you will be planning to get away - please remember to tell us if you are- thank you .
