Tuesday 23 December 2014

Christmas at Craigton

Thank you to everyone who came along to the sunflowers concert last week . We always really enjoy this event - its so lovely to see not just parents but grandparents , aunties and uncles as well as brothers and sisters(many of whom have starred in previous productions!) Its a real family event and your participation is always warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated. We hope you all enjoyed the afternoon and it filled you with festive cheer.

And the following day we had the Christmas party ...........and Santa came!  It was very exciting indeed! There was dancing and music and games and party food and lots and lots of noise- great fun!

Id like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all the wonderful staff at Craigton . I'm sure that you will agree that everyone here works very hard to ensure that your children have the best possible experience whilst with us , and that the care they receive is amazing .  And that is all down to the staff at Craigton .......enjoy the break girls (and boy) .....you soooooo deserve it!

Many thanks too for all the lovely gifts we have received over the past few days- these are not expected at all , but they are always appreciated. I do hope that all the Craigton children (and their families) receive all they wish for this Christmas , and that you all have a wonderful , joyful and memorable festive .

From all of us to all of you - wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year ,

See you all on 5th January

Thursday 18 December 2014

Xmas Cards

Just to let you know that the xmas cards have FINALLY arrived - you will find them in your child's file ! :-)

Monday 15 December 2014


Hello everyone ,
a reminder that it the Sunflowers Xmas concert at 3pm on Wednesday - please come along and join us for this seasonal spectacular , and stay to enjoy some festive refreshments afterwards. The on Thursday its the xmas party 2-4pm ........and   we are expecting an appearance from a very special visitor!

Sadly this week we need to say goodbye to Melissa(bluebells) and Isabel(buttercups) . Both are moving onto new ventures and we all wish you the very best for the future. Please stay in touch - we'll miss you! They're last day will be this Friday 19th .

In the meantime , Cari will be joining the buttercups for a little while , and we have two new staff starting after the christmas break - we'll tell you more about them then .

And finally another reminder to please let us know if your child will be off nursery for any reason - many thanks!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Inspection and Christmas

Hello everyone ,

We had the Care Inspectorate here on Tuesday and Wednesday for an unannounced inspection . This went well and we are happy with the outcome . I'm afraid I cant share any further details until the draft report is published , but will let you know once it is . Thank you to those of you who returned questionnaires , or were contacted by the CI before or  during the inspection - the comments that were fedback to us were overwhelmingly positive and are very much appreciated.

Some comments passed on from parents were about specific things in the nursery - I will post next week giving more detail about these  so please watch this space .  Please remember  that you can always raise any issues with us , either directly or through the Parent Forum . Your contributions are always welcomed .

And now that the inspection is over  ,we can now really look forward to enjoying the festive season at Craigton . Tomorrow (Friday 12th Dec) is Christmas jumper Day . This is organised by Save the Children so please wear your jumpers and follow this link to donate online    http://jumpers.savethechildren.org.uk/

The sunflowers concert is at 3pm on Wednesday 17th December - this event is always very well attended and is standing room only . There will likely be some elderly guests so please give up your seat if you are lucky enough have one ! Hope you can all join us for the performance as well as festive refreshments .

The Christmas Party is 2-4pm Thursday 18th Dec . All sunflowers and buttercups are invited to this very exciting event .........and it has been confirmed that Santa WILL be here !

And finally a reminder that the nursery will close at 6pm on Tuesday 23rd Dec and reopen 8am Monday 5th January

Thursday 4 December 2014

Childcare voucher information

Please see below information on a new scheme to update CCVs . For more information please visit the website .

Childcare vouchers are changing
An update to childcare vouchers
The Queen's speech, in June this year, included plans for a new scheme to help working parents with their childcare costs.
This new scheme, called Tax-free Childcare (TFC), is scheduled to be launched in autumn 2015 and will work differently for parents to the existing childcare voucher scheme. At present, it looks like TFC is due to be run by the Government, through HMRC and National Savings & Investments.
How is TFC different to the current scheme?
TFC has much more complex eligibility requirements:
  • Both parents in a two-parent family have to be in work to be eligible for TFC, each earning less than £150,000 a year and not receiving the childcare element of Universal Credit.
  • TFC is also open to self-employed parents, whereas the current scheme is not.
  • TFC will only be available for children under 5 initially or under 17 for children with disabilities, extending to all children under 12 within the first year (the current scheme is open to children aged under 16, or 17 if registered disabled).
Another key difference is how parents pay in to the scheme:
  • The current scheme works as a salary sacrifice deduction, so parents save tax and NI on their childcare vouchers. Under TFC, they will pay directly into TFC from their bank account (the employer is not involved).
  • However, for every 80p they pay in, the Government will top up 20p, up to a maximum £2,000 per child, per year.
This means that there will be many parents who are not eligible to join TFC or who would be better off staying with their employer's childcare voucher scheme.
The existing employer childcare voucher schemes won't close - they will continue to run once TFC launches, but parents will need to already be registered on it to continue to use it. 
If you'd like to find out more about the changes to childcare vouchers, please visit our website.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!!

Hello everyone ,

Each year we are amazed by your response to the Giving Tree Appeal and this year is no exception . Your generosity is awesome! We are all aware how busy and expensive this time of year can be , but you have  taken the time (and cash) to help children that you will probably never meet . And that is truly what Christmas is all about . As they are unable to thank you , may I do so on their behalf - you will bring some joy to children who are in great need of that - Thank you so very much .

Next Friday 12th December is Christmas Jumper Day  organised by Save the Children , They are asking everyone to wear a Christmas jumper that day , and donate online if you do so - we shall all be joining in and invite all Craigton children and  their families to do the same . For more in formation please visit       /http://jumpers.savethechildren.org.uk/

Please remember to have your xmas card orders back to us this Friday 5th Dec - they will be posted that day and we'd hate anyone to miss out!

A reminder that the Sunflowers concert will be on Wednesday 17th December 3pm - all welcome , and the Christmas party on Thursday 18th Dec 2-4pm(all buttercups and sunflowers are invited ) - watch this space for more details nearer the time .

If you are lucky enough to be heading away for the festive period , please let us know if you wont be at nursery - it really helps our planning to know who will be here- thank you .

And finally we will be closing at 6pm on Tuesday 23rd December and re-open 8am Monday 5th January

Monday 1 December 2014

Staff news

Congratulations to Nicole(snowdrops) who is now an Early Years Practitioner . Nicole has been with us since 2010 when she started as a 4-6 girl. She has worked hard to acquire the skills and knowledge required to be a practitioner....so well done Nicole!

Sadly though we will soon be saying goodbye to Kelly(buttercups) . Kelly started at Craigton in 2008 and completed all her training here , qualifying at the end of 2010. We all wish you all the very best for the future Kelly - we'll miss you . Kelly's last day will be Friday 12th December .

A reminder to please return any Christmas card orders this week . They will be posted on Friday to ensure that the cards are here in time for the big day .  

Thursday 27 November 2014

Countdown to Christmas!

Good morning everyone ,

Yes indeed it will be December next week so the countdown really is on.

We still have some gift tags left for the Giving Tree appeal - please take one and return your gift by Monday 1st December - these children really will appreciate your gifts as this may be the only christmas cheer they receive this year .

The proofs for the children's xmas cards have arrived - you will find these in your child's folder . These are cards featuring your child's artwork -great for friends  and grandparents! If you'd like to order any , please follow the instructions on the card and return them to us(including the proof copy) by FRIDAY  5th December - orders will be posted that day to ensure the cards are here in time for Christmas .

Continuing on the Christmas theme dont forget two very important dates:

The sunflowers concert is on Wednesday 17th December 3pm . All are invited to enjoy this seasonal spectacular.  Further details will follow nearer the time .

The Craigton  Christmas party will take place on Thursday 18th December 2-4pm . All buttercups and sunflowers are invited to attend , whilst the snowdrops and bluebells have their own more restrained celebration for those children usually attending . I have been in contact with the PR department at the North Pole and have had confirmation that we will have a VIP visitor that day too!

The schoolhouse are still being affected by high temperatures and cold/flu symptoms . If your child becomes unwell whilst at nursery we will call you - please arrange to collect your child as soon as possible if this happens and keep then at home until they are fully recovered(at least 24 hours) . Please also ensure that we have your current phone numbers so we can contact you quickly if needed. We'd really appreciate your co-operation with this  .

And finally , the nursery will close at 6pm on Tuesday 23rd December and re-open 8am Monday 5th January 2015 .

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Health notice

Good morning ,

This week we have several  children in the school house with high temperatures and cold/flu symptoms . Can I please remind everyone to please keep your child at home until they are fully recovered and at least 24 hours if they have a temperature . We really appreciate your co-operation in this to help keep the spread of any illness as low as we can and all the children and staff as healthy as possible . Thank you

Friday 21 November 2014

Parents Evening

Hello everyone ,

a big thank you to all of you who came along on Wednesday for Parents Evening - its was really good to see so many of you here . We all hope that you enjoyed the slightly more relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to talk to staff about  your children's progress as well as meeting other parents . Many of you also took home the children's folios to share with your family - we do hope you enjoy these but please bring them back !  Don't forget that you don't have to wait for Parents Evening to see the folios - they are available to view at any time.

Thanks also to the sunflowers who have  sent in pictures for the family gallery  - if you haven't yet done this please email to      sunflowers@clns.co.uk  (please do not use this email address for anything else)

Another reminder also to please return  your acknowledgement slips for the new Non prescription medication policy - we need to have  your permission to give any medication to your child/ren .

In order to prepare for any bad weather , the carpark will be having a fresh layer of chuckies  - they will be arriving at 10am on Tuesday 25th (next week) . Our handyman Fred will be working in the carpark from then onwards so the carpark will be closed that morning . Please be very , very careful after that as fresh chuckies can easily be disturbed if you're going too fast or turn abruptly - we don't want any to chipped bodywork or windscreens!  

And finally , dont forget its Christmas lights switch on in Culter on Saturday 22nd(tomorrow) 4-6pm Culter Village Hall . There will be fun and entertainment for all the family so please go along and support your local community.  

Wednesday 19 November 2014


A big Craigton welcome to Jackie Brawley who has joined us this week as  a part-time Early Years Practitioner. Jackie has previous  experience in school nurseries and as a Home Start volunteer .
She will be with us 3 afternoons a week and will be working on both buildings . Please take the time to introduce yourself - it can take  a while to get to know everyone. Welcome to the team Jackie - we're very pleased to have you with us!  

Monday 17 November 2014

Audit by Aberdeen City Council

Please see below issued today :

Audit on Quality Childcare Provision in Aberdeen City.
Is it meeting your needs?
It is a requirement of the new Children and Young People Act (Scotland) 2014 that Local Authorities consult and plan in relation to the provision of day care and out of school care.  For more information go to:
It is very important that as many parents/carers as possible have an opportunity to comment on the Survey Monkey Link, which will be live until 5.00pm on Friday 19th December.
Please can you add your post code to question 5
Thank you,
Sent on behalf of Stuart Patterson, Early Years Manager.

Elaine Crawford and Muriel Milne

Early Years & Childcare Development Officers

Parents Evening

Good morning everyone ,

A reminder that its Parents Evening this week - Wednesday 6pm to 7:30pm . Please come along to chat to staff about your child's progress , find out what they really do when with us , and to meet other parents . We look forward  to seeing you all .

You should all have received a copy of our new policy on the administration of non prescription medication- please sign and return the reply slip as soon as you can.

The donations for the Giving Tree Appeal have already started arriving . Please remember to hand in your gifts before Monday 1st December when Santa's helpers will collect them- thank you .
If  you are getting organised for the festive season by shopping online , please remember to register with   www.easyfundraising.org.uk   to support us. There are hundreds of retailers signed up for this and each time you shop online  they will donate to our Staff Development Fund . If you download their find and remind tool  it will tell you when you're visiting a participating site so you dont even need to log in. You can also access vouchers and special offers so not only will you be raising funds, you could be saving money too!

We will soon be saying goodbye to Paula(sunflowers) who will be starting a new job. Paula has been with us just over a year and has become a firm favourite with the children . Best of luck with  your new job Paula - we'll miss you! Paula's last day will be Thursday 27th November .

And finally a reminder that the nursery will be closing 6pm on Tuesday 23rd December and re-open 8am Monday 5th January 2015 .

Thursday 13 November 2014

New publication for Families

Please see the press release below for information on a newly launched magazine for families

Welcome to Family Focus Scotland, Scotland’s newest and largest magazine dedicated to serving Parents, Families, Grandparents, Teachers, Carers and all those who have an active interest in the well-being of our future generation.  Due to be launched in November, in time for Christmas, the launch issue will include a wealth of varied content from pregnancy to primary and toddlers to teenagers.  For many people, family focus is the most important part of life and in this launch edition we illustrate that there is no such thing as the average family!  Whether you’re a tight knit twosome or a member of a large sprawling clan, family for most of us is at the heart of everything we do, but the reality of that can mean many different things.  We aim to nurture and support each other, from the moment a pregnancy is announced through to celebrating a long life well lived, with everything possible in between.

At the same time, life is made infinitely better by knowing that family is there to care and encourage in turn when we need their help, even if we’re parted by miles and busy with everyday concerns.

The flip side to that are those who don’t have that warm and loving family support.  It’s hard to accept that in these enlightened times babies can be neglected, children unloved, adults friendless and the elderly desperately lonely, but that is everyday life for too many people in Scotland.  Yet they are all our families and our responsibility and very often it’s the concentrated effort of communities, concerned professionals and tireless individuals taking the time to notice when things are simply not right and helping to put them in order.

Family Focus Scotland aims to shine a spotlight on families today, whether thriving and growing, struggling against adversity, coping with tragedy, celebrating achievements or planning great things.  All the tiny victories, the moments that make everything worthwhile, the great successes and the quiet worries that are the background to most families.  And just like family, Family Focus Scotland aims to make life a little easier, in all sorts of ways.

Family Focus Scotland will be edited by Joan McFadden.  Joan is a freelance journalist and regular contributor to The Herald,  as well as other national and international  publications including newspapers, magazines, internet sites and corporate magazines. Joan specialises in human interest features, with particular emphasis on parenting, health and education issues and is a regular radio commentator on these areas.  "I'm really excited about Family Focus Scotland - we're covering so many issues and subjects that mean a great deal to our readers.  Some of it will be light hearted and highly entertaining.  Some offering helpful hints and tips with some covering very emotive and moving situations.  This is family life in Scotland today, often happy, sometimes just routine, occasionally heartbreaking - and always interesting."

Family Focus Scotland will also be available in a free digital edition format bringing you the same fantastic content of the print edition, available to read on all mobile and tablet devices including iPad and iPhone.  The digital edition will be enhanced with the addition of both audio and video rich media while offering the benefits of automatically updated editions, zoom functionality, an archive to store all previous issues.

Safety Notice - Car Park

We had a near miss in the carpark yesterday evening as the gate was left wide open and a child ran straight into the carpark ahead of their parent . Please ensure that you close and chain all the gates every time- it only takes a second for a child to dash out there- this is particularity dangerous at this time of year  as its's dark so early now.  
A reminder too that the top carpark is for staff only - please do not go up the drive as there may be children in this area.
Please help us to keep all the children safe by observing these safety rules - your co operation would be much appreciated.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Giving Tree Appeal

Good morning ,

Many of you will already know that every year we take part in the Giving Tree Appeal . This is a charity appeal for gifts for children in this area who for whatever reason will not be waking up to presents on Christmas morning.

We know that this is a very busy and expensive time for all .....there's cards to be written , frantic searches for the last Peppa Pig princess outfit/spiderman watch/Elsa doll or any minions  merchandise  that just cant be found anywhere,  food that you wouldn't dream of buying at any other time and that nobody eats  , untangling tree lights that you packed away so carefully last time , wrapping  of gifts when you've run out of sellotape , and slowly realising that there is no way you'll get a babysitter the weekend before Christmas ....Yet its always worth it in the end ! When you wake on Christmas morning and see the look of wonder and delight on your children's faces , and spend time with your family and friends , all that effort is rewarded . Ahhhhhhhhhh :-)

But please spare a thought for children in this area who are much less fortunate than your own. Children who will not be celebrating in the warmth and security of a loving family , and for whom Santa will not come .

There are gift  tags in each department with the name and age of a child. Please take one , wrap an appropriate gift and attach the tag . This year we have been given tags for older children(up to 17yrs) as these are often overlooked - everyone is happy to donate for under 5's but they really struggle to find donations for  the older children . Please return your gift to us by Monday 1st  December when Santa's helpers will collect them .

Please do this ........you will be giving not just the gift , but some Christmas joy a child who has very little to celebrate in their life ........ And after all , that is really what Christmas is all about . Thank you .

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Health notice

Good morning ,

I've just been informed that at least one primary school and nursery  are closed today due to a serious outbreak of the winter vomiting virus .
If your child develops any symptoms , please keep them at home until 48 hours after the last symptoms . NHS also advise that you do not visit your GP with this virus as it is so contagious- please stay at home until fully recovered .
If your child become ill whilst with us , we will call you immediately - please ensure that they are picked up as soon as possible . Your co-operation would be very much appreciated .  

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Magic and fireworks!

Hello everyone , 

A big Craigton THANK YOU  to one of our parents , Nir , who came along and entertained the sunflowers with a magic show this morning! He put on an impressive display and the children loved it ! We had no idea you were so talented - thank you :-) ........and if any other parents have hidden talents they'd like to share with us please do - you'll be given a very warm welcome ! 

I'm sure you're all aware that its Guy Fawkes tomorrow (Wed 5th Nov) and I hope that you will all be celebrating at some point . The Scottish Fire service are advising that you attend an organised event -so here's some  information on local events  :


The Aberdeen Winter Festival kicks off in spectacular style with a fireworks display at Aberdeen beach. Pre-fireworks entertainment includes firewalkers and a charity firewalk (see below). The event starts at 6.30pm, with a 20-minute fireworks display set to music from 7.30pm.
Best vantage points for the display are in the areas around the Beach Boulevard and along the Beach Esplanade. Visitors should not bring their own fireworks, and alcohol or fireworks found will be confiscated. A dedicated fireworks park-and-ride service will be available from Bridge of Don, Kingswells and Calder Park.
Inspire Firewalk: Coinciding with Aberdeen’s Bonfire Night fireworks display, brave volunteers are invited to pay £20 and walk on hot coals for charity. Starts from 4.30pm onwards. Queen’s Links, Aberdeen. Contact: 01224 280005.

Banchory bonfire and fireworks display, organised by Banchory and District Round Table and taking place in the George V Park. Refreshments available from 6.30pm. Fire lit at 6.30pm; fireworks from 7pm. Admission free, but donations welcome.

Hope you all have fun and stay safe! 

You should all have received a copy of our new policy on administering non-prescribed medication - please ensue that you return the reply slip , and some sunflower parents have not yet returned email information to register on the ILD - please do this asap so we can set up parental access to this resource .  

Don't forget that its Parents Evening on Wednesday 19th November 6pm to 7:30pm - hope to see you all there . 

Friday 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween

Hello everyone ,

we have been celebrating Halloween all week at Craigton and have been treated to an impressive array of costumes . We have seen pumpkins and princesses, witches and cats , dinosaurs and tigers , superheroes and pirates and many more . Thank you all for making the effort and for sharing your wonderful costumes with us. We hope you've all enjoyed the lovely decorations and lanterns that have been on display this week and that these have readied you for a weekend of Halloween fun!

Now we can start to look forward to the other big winter celebration!  Culter Playgroup are holding a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 8th November 1pm-4pm in the village hall and later in the month the celebrations really get under way with the Culter Christmas Lights switch on Saturday 22nd November 4pm-6pm again at the village hall . There will be plenty to entertain all the family at both events so please go along and support your local community.

You will all find a new policy on the administration of non prescription medication in your child's file. Please read this and let me know if you have any queries . On that subject and as we head into winter with all its illnesses , can I please remind you not to bring your child to nursery if they are unwell . Infections and viruses spread very quickly amongst the children so please keep your child at home until they have recovered , and collect your child as soon as you can if they become unwell whilst here . Please also bear in mind that these illness affect not just the children , but all their families , visitors to the setting(some of whom will be elderly or pregnant) and the staff and their families . Please help us all to stay as healthy as we can - thank you .

If you haven't already done so , you may also wish to contact your GP practice to arrange for your child to have the flu vaccination - this is now available for all 2-5yr olds.

A reminder to all sunflower parents to please return your email information asap so that we can open parents access to the ILD . You should  have all received letters requesting this information- if not please check your child's file.

And finally don't forget that its Parents Evening on Wednesday 19th November 6pm-7:30pm - hope to see you all there

Thursday 23 October 2014

Winter time is coming

Yes indeed the clocks go back this weekend so we all get an extra hour . I would say in bed , but as parents of young children that's unlikely! So lets have an extra hour to play .....and that of course means that we are all looking forward  to Halloween at Craigton .

We will be celebrating all week , not just on the day , so that all the children have  a chance to have some  Halloween fun .  All children are welcome to come along in their costumes at any time next week, though please ensure they have something to change into as well - it can be very hard work being a witch/ cat/princess/superhero all day long!. Please also feel free to bring in any pumpkin lanterns from home and we'll display them in the nursery for all to see.

Looking ahead we have some dates for your diary :

PARENTS EVENING : 6pm to 7:30pm Wednesday 19th November . This is for all parents to come along to chat to the staff  and discuss your child's progress. You will be able to see some of the activities on offer as well as have the opportunity to meet other parents . This is a drop-in evening - you are not expected to stay the whole time just come along when you can. Do please make other arrangements for the children though - the staff will be talking to parents so unable to supervise them. We look forward to seeing you all there .

SUNFLOWERS CHRISTMAS CONCERT : Wednesday 17th December 3pm . More information on this  will follow nearer the time , but please keep that afternoon free.

CHRISTMAS PARTY: Thursday 18th December 2-4pm . This is for all buttercups and sunflowers - the snowdrops/bluebells have their own more restrained celebrations as it all rather  overwhelming for the little ones .

PLEASE NOTE : as the above is such a busy week , we will not be able to accommodate any extra sessions.

And finally - The nursery will close at 6pm on Tuesday 23rd December and re-open 8am Monday 5th January 2015

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Holiday play days

Hello again ,

Aberdeen Play Forum are running two events over the school holidays . There will be a family play session from 1:30pm to 3:30pm this coming Friday 17th October and  another from 11am to 3pm on Friday 24th October . Both sessions will be held at Union Terrace gardens . are suitable for toddlers to primary and are free! No need to book just turn up and play on the day .

For further info please contact   soozy.lai@aberlour.org.uk   or on 07854958107

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Outdoor clothing

Good afternoon everyone ,

This is a reminder to please ensure that your child has suitable outdoor clothing with them every day . At this time of year that means wellies and a waterproof suit or jacket and trousers . We try to spend as much time as possible outdoors as the children really benefit from outdoor activity. They are able to explore , dig , mix, run and jump , build dens , make creations in the mud kitchen , role play in the cafe , take care of plants , observe seasonal changes in the environment, practice and extend physical skills and most of all have fun in the fresh  air! However , they do need to be properly dressed in order to make the most of their time outside .
Don't forget they also need a full change of clothes each day , and soft soled shoes or slippers for indoors and please name or initial all items   -Thank you .

We will shortly be issuing a revised policy on administering non- prescription medication . You will all be given a copy of this along with information on why we have updated this . This is the time of year that we begin to see an increase in illnesses - please remember to tell us if your child is ill so we can alert  others , and keep them at home until they are fully recovered.  This will help to keep the spread of infections as low as possible and a healthier  environment for us all.

We will also soon be launching our new blog area which will be part of the nursery website , but with password access only for parents and staff at Craigton - in this area we will also be able to upload policies and other documents of interest- watch this space for further info . Huge thanks to Carl for all his hard work on this - its very much appreciated!

The sunflowers would like to create a display of family photos in their classroom - please bring some along and hand to a member of staff or you can email them to     sunflowers@clns.co.uk
They'd also be really happy to have any autumn treasures you find whilst out and about to add to their collection on their Autumn table - leaves , pine cones , conkers all welcome!

And finally a reminder  that Parents Evening will be on Wednesday 19th November 6-7:30pm .

Monday 6 October 2014


Hello everyone ,

We have today received questionnaires from the Care Inspectorate. These will be given to parents at random . If you receive one, please complete it and return directly to the Care Inspectorate in the freepost envelope provided - the questionnaires are confidential and should not be  returned to us .
Your replies will then be included in any future inspection reports .

Some more paperwork - I  have not yet received everyone's PS funding application forms - please return these  as soon as possible or you may miss out on the funding . Children with birth dates between 1st March 2010 and 28th Febuary 2012 are eligible for funding(providing your child does not attend a school nursery) If you haven't received an application and think you  should have , please let me know .

As we approach the school holidays , some of you may be taking the opportunity to go away for a break - dont forget to let us know if your child wont be at nursery for holiday or any other reason .

Thank you

Friday 3 October 2014

Staff news

Hello everyone ,

We will be welcoming two new members to our staff team next week .
Ruchi Gaur will be joining the bluebells as an EY Practitioner on Monday , Thursday and Fridays . Ruchi has previous experience in both nurseries and afterschool clubs and is looking forward to getting to know you all.
The sunflowers will be welcoming a new 4-6 boy Ken Aggrey . Ken is a S6 pupil at Cults Academy who is hoping to become a doctor and looking for some experience with children. He will be with us on Monday and Wednesdays after school and Jemma will still be here the other days . Its been a while since we've had a 4-6 boy and I'm sure the sunflowers will have  great fun with  Ken!

Pre-school children will find some goodies in their files next week . All 3 years olds have been issued with Pirate BookBug packs . This scheme is funded by the Scottish government to encourage parents to share books with their children .
And all sunflowers will find Road Safety publications following the adventures of Ziggy . For more information please visit http://www.gosafewithziggy.com/

Monday 29 September 2014

Health Alert

Good morning ,

We have had two more reported cases of chickenpox in the schoolhouse . Please see the link for information on symptoms and exclusion times - usually 5 days from spots appearing .


Friday 26 September 2014

Craigton update

Hello everyone ,

We have had a busy time at nursery recently . We are really making the most of the lovely weather and continuing to spend a lot of time outdoors . The children have had a great time watching  the leaves change colour and fall from the trees - they've been trying to catch them as they fall , and have gathered piles of leaves which have been transported around the garden in wheelbarrows , trucks and pockets too! The sunflowers planted some new tress in the grassy area this week too, and are taking good care of them . The trees next to the digging area outside the Wendy House are willow , which we hope will grow into a lovely shelter - they've also planted some in the growing area which we can use for making all kinds of things once they have grown .

This term the sunflowers have been working in smaller groups with a dedicated member of staff  - we hope this will encourage more opportunities for staff observation and allow children's contributions and ideas to be acted on - this is much easier to follow through with smaller groups . This will allow staff to focus more on each child's experience, and build closer bonds with the children and families Each group will  be using floorbooks to record ideas and progress and we hope that parents will also contribute to these .
There will still be the opportunity for the children to all be together at mealtimes and during outdoor play .

The schoolhouse are currently reviewing their planning and there will be some changes here soon - I'll let you have more information on this soon . We are asking for all children in this building to please bring in photos of family/friends for display in the rooms - the children love being able to show the other children and staff people they know and this is often a great starting point for conversations , as well as comforting for children to see familiar faces whilst with us .
This building will also be reintroducing homebooks - once all organised we will ask you to take these home at the end of your nursery week and add anything of interest that happens at home - just a couple of lines a maybe a photo are all thats needed - this gives us valuable information on your child.

Many thanks to those of you who have contacted me saying that you like the blog posts :-) much appreciated! I will however  try to keep them shorter though possibly more frequent .

Don't forget to tell us if there's anything you'd like posted on here - if you're involved in a charity event , or have some information you feel would be of interest to other parents please let me know .

And finally , Parents Evening will be on Wednesday 19th November  6-7:30pm . This is an informal evening where you can  come along and talk to staff about your child's progress , have a look at the activities on offer to them , and also have the chance  to meet other parents . There will be several reminders of this date so we hope you can all make it .

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Health notice

Good morning everyone ,

We have had two confirmed cases of chickenpox in the schoolhouse . For information on the symptoms and exclusion times please see the following link


We have also been issued with posters and leaflets from NHS in preparation for the possible arrival of the winter vomiting virus - these remind everyone that you should allow a minimum of 48 hours after last symptoms before returning to nursery/school/work .

You will no doubt have seen Gerry the painter over the past few days being very busy - he has painted the sunflower classrooms and entrance as well as the outdoor woodwork - he will continue with other areas over the coming weeks- so please look out for wet paint!

At the recent Parent Forum meeting (minutes on display in all departments) it was noted that the blog posts may be too long for people to read them thoroughly so I shall try to keep them shorter! We are currently working on merging the website and blog so hope to be able to post meeting minutes on there .

There will be another post later this week keeping you all up to date with the activities your children have been enjoying at Craigton

Tuesday 9 September 2014


Good afternoon everyone ,

Following the success of the photocards in the schoolhouse , these have now been introduced in the sunflowers . When you sign in , please help your child to find their card on the entrance board and transfer it to the display in the main room . This helps all the children, staff and parents know who will be attending each day , and we hope it will encourage more discussion between parents , staff and children on what we are doing each day whilst at nursery .

We will also be making more use of floorbooks  - these are a good way of recording (and acting on ) children's ideas and contributions , and we hope that this will also encourage contributions from parents . Floorbooks are used to consult with the children , record their thoughts and evaluations and can chart the progress of their interests . Please have a look at the current floorbook and feel free to add your own suggestions/observations .
Kelly has accompanied the children who have moved to the sunflowers this week to provide a familiar face and support during their settling in period .  She will be returning to the buttercups next week , and Julie will be back in the sunflowers.

Our handyman Fred has been busy recently and has built a new area in the bluebells room to encourage group activities and more interest for the children - this has different levels to allow exploration too.
Even though we have harvested quite a lot already , we are still seeing some new tomatoes appearing on our plants , and are having great success with the cabbage and broccoli plants in the growing area.
We will continue to spend as much time as we can outdoors , so please ensure your child has suitable outdoor clothing every day .

Next week we will be welcoming Linzy back for dancing sessions with all the children  on Monday mornings. Linzy came several times over the summer and the children loved her sessions so we hope to make this a regular feature .

I will not be in the nursery from this Thursday 11th September , returning on Wednesday 17th September . Please note that emails will not be monitored during this time , so please call us on 01224 733980 if you need to tell/ask us anything.

And finally , don't forget that we shall be closed on Monday 22nd September for the local holiday.

Friday 5 September 2014

Pre-school funding

Hello all ,

We have finally received the application forms for pre-school  funding . All children who are eligible have today been issued these , along with some information about the funding .

All children in their preschool year and all ante pre-school children eligible for three terms of funding( dob 1st March 2011 to 31st Aug 2011) need to have  the applications submitted very soon- please complete part A of the form only and return to me along with a copy of your child's birth certificate/passport as soon as possible .
Other ante-pre school children do not need to be returned so urgently , but please do return promptly so there is no delay in processing .
The funding criteria can be confusing , so please call me if you have any questions .

I understand that you have been given a very short time to return these applications, and that the delay in receiving funding has been very frustrating - this issue has affected all partner providers in the city and has been totally out with our control.
Aberdeen City Council have told us that the delay was due to changes that had to be made to meet the increase in free pre-school provision .

Please note that if your child attends a school nursery/playgroup or if you are applying for funding at another setting , you will not be eligible for further. If  you think you should have an application but haven't received one please let me know

Wednesday 3 September 2014

New Weaning Guidelines

The following information has been issued by the Infant and Toddler Forum

  We have updated our guidance on complementary feeding (commonly known as weaning). The advice is now broken down into sections relevant to your child's age. This new layout offers revised recommendations on what foods to offer and avoid, when to start weaning, and how to progress between age 6-9 months and 9-12 months and thereafter.


This site is a useful resource for information on young children's diet and nutrition with helpful tips and is well worth a visit

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Craigton Round up

Good afternoon everyone ,

we are making the most of the lovely late summer sunshine at the moment and spending as much time outdoors as we can. Be warned though that this wont last long so please ensure that your children are suitably equipped for more autumnal weather  - that means waterproof suits and footwear  please(once it gets colder they will need hats and gloves too). Each child also needs a full change of clothes and soft soled indoor shoes or slippers every day . We are very low on nursery clothing stocks so please make sure your child has these- all clearly named too!

Last week we had a visit from Zoolab , so the sunflowers and buttercups met all kinds of creatures - there were spiders and giant centipedes and frogs and cockroaches , rabbits and rats and loads more .  They learned how the animals use their senses in their lives and had the opportunity to handle them too- not everyone was keen!
And they wer not our only visitors - Joanne form Gardening 4 Kids came on Friday and oversaw the harvesting of our garden produce - we have already had tomatoes and strawberries and this time it was potatoes(a bumper crop!) and wildflowers that have  been used to bring the outdoors into the rooms as well as for some activities . Jo is currently undertaking some Forest  School  training and is looking forward to  sharing her new skills with us - please watch this blog for further infromation on this .

NHS Scotland are reminding us all that the Childhood Flu immunisation is now under way . This  is being offered to all children aged 2-5 years through their GP practice , and school aged children through their school . Please visit   link below for more information

As we are approaching the season for all manner of nasty bugs and viruses , can I please remind you not to bring your child to nursery if they are unwell . Children will recover much more quickly at home . We do not have the facilities nor are we trained to care for ill children . Viruses and other bugs spread very quickly amongst  young children  so please help us all to stay as well as we can by not returning to nursery until fully recovered- we'd really appreciate your co-operation with this.
Our updated medication policy will be issued shortly to all parents- there have been some changes in guidance issued by the Care Inspectorate , one of which is that settings should not administer non prescription medication except in specific circumstances , and should not keep stocks of these medications in the setting( basically that means Calpol etc) we are looking closely at this and will issue a new policy soon . Be aware that this means we may not be able to give your child Calpol or similar if they have a fever , so it is even more important that children who are unwell not attend nursery.

We still have not received our partnership agreement/application forms for pre-school funding from Aberdeen City Council - this affects all partner provider settings in the city - its not just us! We have been told that the delay is due to the increased provision and that they will be issued soon .  Until  we get these and send in the applications , we are unable to deduct PS funding - I'll let you know as soon as we receive them .

We will soon be joined by some new faces in the schoolhouse - Tanya Iesipova and Kathleen Cooper will both coming part-time . Tanya has teaching experience and is currently studying Early Years care and education at college- she will be starting this week . Kathleen has many years experience in the care sector , and she will be starting towards the end of the month - a big Craigton welcome to you both!

And finally , please dont forget that the nursery will be closed on Monday 22nd September for the local holiday

Monday 18 August 2014

Health notice and more

Hello everyone ,

I have been told by several sources today that there is a tummy bug going around Culter at the moment , and with the schools back tomorrow its likely to spread very quickly . If your child has any symptoms , please do not bring them to nursery and for 48 hours after the last symptoms. Please be extra vigilant with your hygiene , particularly handwashing  .
Please remember to tell us if your child will not be attending due to illness , or for any other reason .

I've also had some enquires from parents regarding the pre-school funding for this year . I've contacted Aberdeen City Council who tell me that there are some adjustments being made by their legal department due to the increase in entitlement  to 600 hours this year , and the application forms will be distributed once these have been finalised . I'll let you have these as soon as they arrive .

We are still very , very busy and its unlikely that we can accommodate extra sessions - but its always worth asking - please ask staff directly in your child's department when you drop off/pick up as they will be able to give you an immediate answer .

Our best wishes to those children leaving us over the next few days to start 'big' school . Its been a pleasure having you (and your families) with us - we all hope you continue to have enquiring and curious minds and that you enjoy the new challenges that school will bring :-)
(Some  parents have not yet returned their children's reports and feedback - please do this asap as we need to pass these onto your child's school - thank you)

This means of course that we will soon be starting a new school year at Craigton - watch this space for information on what your children will be looking at in the coming months .

We have the first meeting of the Parent Forum for this session scheduled for 3rd September . If you'd like anything raised at this meeting please ask any member - this year our volunteers are: Lindsey Beedie , Louise Craig , Kerry Forsyth , Carl Gerrard, Rebecca Neill and Ruth Woods - their photos will be on display soon so you can recognise them !

We have been asked to submit our annual self evaluation by the Care Inspectorate. Last years submission will be on display in all departments in the next few days - please pass on any additions/suggestions you may have  to me by 29th August so I can include them in our submission.

And finally a reminder that the nursery will be closed on Monday 22nd September . We shall close at 6pm on Tuesday 23rd December and reopen 8am Monday 5th January 2015

Thursday 7 August 2014

Health notice

Hello everyone ,

we have had a confirmed case of chickenpox in the schoolhouse . For more information please see the link


If you suspect your child has chickenpox , please visit your GP as soon as possible . Children cannot return to nursery until no new spots are appearing and exiting spots have scabbed over - this is usually 5 days from the first symptoms .

A reminder to ensure that your contact details are up to date - if your child becomes unwell whilst with us , we will contact you and ask you  to collect them as soon as possible .

I have had some volunteers for this years Parent Forum , but still need more . The Forum meets 4 times a year and is an opportunity for parent representatives to raise any issues/concerns or discuss anything regarding the nursery . If you'd be interested in joining , please contact me as soon as possible as Id like to have the first meeting in September .

We are once again very low on nursery stocks of spare clothing - please ensure your child always has a change of clothes with them , and any donations of unwanted clothing will be gratefully accepted .

Tuesday 29 July 2014


Hello everyone ,

we are thoroughly enjoying the glorious summer weather at Craigton . Time outdoors has actually had to be limited as some times of day are too hot for the children - a novelty in Scotland! But whilst outside there has been lots going on . The children are making the most of their sheds and most actively participating in returning resources at the end of the day and ensuring the garden areas are tidy. They have also enjoyed outdoor snack times and have done a great job caring for the plants in the growing area and greenhouse . We have already harvested some strawberries, with more almost ready. The tomato plants are growing well though so sign of any tomatoes yet! We also have leeks , potatoes and broccoli in the growing area , along with sunflowers and a wild flower bed with poppies . daisies and cornflowers .
As mentioned in a previous post , we have been included in the tour of Culter by the judges of 'Beautiful Scotland'. They will be visiting us tomorrow(Wednesday) , when we hope that the children will be able to show them their growing successes and tell them all about their gardening experiences .We are delighted to have  been included in this community event , and are really pleased that our efforts to improve the outdoor area , and offer the children the opportunity to get their hands dirty while leaning how to care for not just the plants but also the environment , by recycling and making our own compost , have been recognised by the local community . Huge thanks to Joanne from Gardening4Kids for her invaluable advice and practical sessions with the children - its much more effective when an expert keeps you right!

Over the past few weeks we have said goodbye to several children : some off  to start big school , others to spend their pre-school year in other settings , and will say goodbye  to more in the next couple of weeks. We'd all like to wish you all the very best of luck - its  been a pleasure having you with us - please come back and let us see you in your new school uniforms :-)
Extra copies of class/individual photos have now been ordered - if you're not here when they arrive we'll send them on to you.

A reminder that we are fully booked at the moment and are almost certainly not able to accommodate extra sessions . Still there's no harm in asking! Please ask staff in your child's department directly as they will be able to give you an immediate answer - but dont be too disappointed if we cant help.

Its now time for my annual appeal for volunteers to join the Parent Forum for the coming school year . The forum meets 4 times a year from 6pm - 7:30pm (approx) This gives parents the opportunity to raise any issues or concerns or share suggestions for improvements. Your photo will be on display so that all parents can recognise you and approach you with anything that they'd like raised at the meetings . If you'd like to volunteer or would like more information please contact me .

And finally , please note that I will be on holiday for the rest of this week - Wednesday , Thursday and Friday. Emails will not be monitored so please phone us if you have  anything to tell us - Thank you

Friday 18 July 2014

Summer Fair update

Hello everyone ,

I'm sorry to tell you that due to very low ticket sales we have made the decision to cancel the Summer Fair this year . Those who have bought tickets(thank you) will have your money refunded . We do however still have a giant cuddly bear looking for a home , so we will go ahead with the raffle with the bear as the prize . Raffle tickets are on sale in both buildings £1.00 a strip . The bear will be on display as soon as we can find somewhere to put him!
All other prizes that were kindly donated will be included in the winter festival raffle later in the the year(cant bring myself to use the other word just yet!) .
We will have a think about something different for next year and hopefully manage to find a date that doesn't clash with any other galas/festivals/shows in the area!

A reminder that all sunflower photo requests  need to back on Monday when I will place the order . If you want extra copies of individual photos, please return the small proof photo as I cant  order without this - Thank you .

Happy weekend to you all :-)

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Summer Fair

Hello all ,
just to let you know that were are having very slow ticket sales for the fair next week once again . Its on Saturday 26th July 12-2pm . If you intend to come , please get your ticket now. A decision will be taken this Friday whether we shall go ahead or not - if we dont sell a lot more tickets , its really not worth going ahead. Tickets are on sale in both buildings £5 for an entire family which includes a BBQ - thats a real bargain !

Wednesday 9 July 2014


To our cook  Katie and fiancé Dave on the safe arrival of their daughter Jorgie last night(Tuesday) . Best wishes from all at Craigton and we're looking forward to meeting her very soon :-)

A reminder to sunflower parents to please pay for or return class photos by the end of this week . Requests for extra photos should also be in by then as I will be ordering these next week .

And dont forget that the nursery will be closed this coming Monday 14th July

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Summer Fair

Hello everyone ,

Tickets are now on sale in both buildings for our rescheduled Summer Fair , This is on Saturday 26th July 12-2pm . This is our major fundraiser of the year and there's lots for the children to do. Games , facepainting , tattoos , tombola and of course our ever popular home baking stall .We were forced to cancel our original date in May due to poor ticket sales , so please make sure you get your ticket asap . They are £5 for a family - you can bring along all your friends too! The price includes a BBQ so you wont even need to make lunch that day. We will also have a 'Guess the bear's birthday' where you can win a giant cuddly bear very kindly donated by Fraser Allan's family(thank you :))
Raffle tickets are also on sale £1 a strip or 20p each - donation for raffle prizes will be gratefully received!

A final reminder that we shall be closed this coming Monday 14th July for the local Aberdeen holiday

Thursday 3 July 2014

Sunny days

Hello everyone ,

We are really making the most of the gorgeous weather this week and spending a lot of times outdoors . The new gazebo has been well used to provide shade as well as some imaginative play - it's already been a big top and a boat today . The new picnic table has also been well used  with for  outdoor snacks and a quiet place to sit to have  a rest from all the activities in the garden. The tomatoes in the greenhouses are coming on really well  and the scented plants in the sensory area are now well established and filling the area with lovely smells.
We had a visit earlier this week from a member of the Culter in Bloom committee who would like to include us in the judges walkabout of Culter for 'Beautiful Scotland'- they are impressed with our outdoor area- in particular the orchard ,  the wild flowers in the growing area, and  ensuring that the children learn about growing and caring for plants . We are very pleased  to be included in this community effort , and delighted that they appreciate that children need to dig , plant , water , compost and get their hands dirty :-) We are currently planting some vegetables too - we already have potatoes , carrots and lettuce underway , as well as the tomatoes , and soon will have leeks too! Joanne from Gardening4Kids will also be visiting us very soon and her expert guidance will keep us right :-)

As a result of so much outdoor time , there have been many , many , many changes of clothes . Please ensure that your child has everything they need at nursery each day(in their new bags) .....and please check at home if you have any nursery clothes as our stocks are sadly depleted( all donations for this greatly appreciated too if you're having a clearout - we are in most need of 3-5yrs trousers)

Next week we will be welcoming a new face to Craigton - Linzy MacAvoy will be coming on Wednesday afternoons to do some dance and movement sessions with the children - we are all really looking forward to this , and if successful may continue after the summer too .

Thats about all  for today - a reminder that we shall be closed on Monday 14th July

Thursday 26 June 2014

Thank you

Huge thanks to everyone who came along to the sunflowers sports day yesterday - it was  a very successful event ! It was particularly lovely to see so many grandparents and older siblings there too. A special thanks  the mums and dad who got into the spirit of things and competed in their own races - you're all stars! We really do love these events when everyone comes together - we know that it can be difficult to take time off work etc but these events really do need your support to work , and we all thank you for coming along.
And from all the staff , a very heartfelt thank you for the lovely card and gifts from the parents of the graduating children - this really isn't expected , but very much appreciated . The money will be used for a well deserved staff night out - the planning for this is already under way!

Class photos - several have asked for extra copies of these - if you would like this , please email/call me to say so and I'll put in an order for the total amount. Individual photos need to have the proof copy returned with the number required . Please don't ask the staff  as they cannot help you with this - thank you .

And finally don't forget that the nursery will be closed on Monday 14th July for the Aberdeen holiday

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Sports Day

A reminder that the sunflowers Sports Day is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3pm . All parents are welcome to attend this popular event - please note that seating is very limited and there may well be grandparents here -if you're lucky enough to have  a seat , please give it up if needed - or bring along a blanket to sit on! The forecast for tomorrow is similar to today - no mention of rain so far- so it looks like we'll be fine . So please come along and be part of this enjoyable event . Children not normally here on a Wednesday afternoon - please come along at 2:45pm . Please don't come any earlier as we have a lot of preparation to do wont be ready for you . Dont forget to bring your (charged) cameras/ipads etc , suncream(hopefully) and running shoes as there is parent participation !
There will also be a short Graduation ceremony for those children leaving us to start P1 after the summer . The class of 2014 are :
Sammy Akindileni , Fraser Allan , Andrew Cowie , Ilona Craig, Lyle Gray , Ethan Hayworth , Joshua Leitch , Paige Lyon , Jamie MacDonald , Jack Masson , Ashton Milne , Kameron Roberts , Samuel Rowantree , Fergus Roy , Alex Simpson , Neil Thakur , and Sophie Yule .
The parents of these children are also advised to bring tissues :-)

and just in time the sunflowers class photos have arrived . You will find this in your child's file . If you'd like to buy this , please follow the payment instructions in the pack . You are under obligation to purchase these - if you dont want to keep it , just hand it back to us. Please return or forward payment by 11th July(payment by cheque wherever possible)

Hope to see you all tomorrow !

Thursday 12 June 2014

Summer play

Good afternoon everyone ,

we are continuing to enjoy the lovely summer weather at Craigton by spending as much time as possible outdoors . There was great excitement yesterday as our new sheds were erected by Mark who delivered and assembled the sheds , 'supervised' by our ever busy handyman, Fred . The sunflowers in particular were fascinated and had lots and lots and lots of questions for the busy men who answered them cheerfully as they built the sheds...and a great job they did too!
Staying in the garden - there have been a couple of incidents when children have been hit by the main gate when opened from the carpark - we appreciate that its difficult to see children there , but please check before you open the gate(and remember to close and chain it behind you) Thank you .

We're not the only ones thinking of summer - Aberdeen Play Forum and ACC are putting on a series of play events over the summer between Monday 7th July and Friday 15th August . Posters for this are on display in both buildings , or for more info please go to   http://www.aberdeenplayforum.com

The sunflowers also had  a busy time this morning as Linda was here to take the class photos . These will be ready soon and you will all have the opportunity to buy a copy. You are under no obligation to buy them , but I'm sure you'll want  to when they arrive.

I shall be on holiday from Monday 16th June returning Tuesday 24th June , so please note that emails will not be replied to during this time . If you need to tell us anything please call the nursery on 01224 733980.

I'll also remind you its the Sunflowers Sports Day and Graduation on Wednesday 25th June at 3pm - you will get more info directly form the sunflowers staff on this (as I wont be here to post on the blog)
If the weather is not good on the day , please visit  the blogspot directly as there is a delay in this being mailed to you http://craigtonlodgenursery.blogspot.co.uk
Should we need to cancel the sports , it will be posted on the blog , but the graduation ceremony will still go ahead indoors .........but lets just hope we dont need to !

And finally a reminder that its Father's Day on Sunday - so please make sure you do something great  for your Dad!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Summer at Craigton

Hello Everyone ,

I hope that you are all enjoying the sunshine - we certainty are! The children have been engaged in lots of activities outdoors- building obstacle courses and dens , digging in the garden , looking after plants in the growing areas and in the greenhouses , imaginative and role play , painting and chalk pictures , sand and water play and investigation......as well as running , jumping , climbing and sometimes sleeping :-)   We also had some excitement this week as our caterpillars became butterflies over the weekend and were released in the garden on Monday .... this is always a fascinating transformation for the children and gives rise to much questioning , investigation and discussion .

As it is almost holiday time a reminder to let us know if you'll be away over the summer please - an email is fine for this . Even if you're having just a day off - please let us know . Its really important that we know who will be here each day . Thank you .

We said  goodbye to Hannah(4-6 schoolhouse) this week as her new school timetable is so busy - she will be back at some point  over the summer though. In her place a big Craigton welcome to Nuala . She will be here on Monday , Wednesday and Thursdays after school - welcome to the team Nuala.
Also starting soon will be Adina - Adina is attending Aberdeen University and will join us for the summer as soon as her PVG check comes back .
We will also be saying goodbye to Petra very soon . She will be moving to London towards the end of June as she will be starting University after the summer - her last day will be Friday 20th June . Best wishes for the future Petra!

Important Dates for your Diary : 
This Thursday 12th June 9:30am - Sunflowers class photo . All sunflowers to be here please ready for the camera by 9:30am . Our photographer , Linda , works to a very tight schedule so if you're not here on time you may miss out . Those children who will be leaving us to go to P1 will have an individual and group photo,and there will also be a full class photo so we need everyone here please . If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday morning , please bring them along and stay while they are here  ...be prepared for  some waiting around during the photoshoot!
Wednesday 25th June 3pm- Sunflowers Sports Day/ Graduation
All families are welcome to come along to this(not just sunflower parents) This is always a very well attended event and seating is extremely limited so please bring along a rug/blanket to sit on . Please also ensure that you bring the following: suncream/hat , water , fully charged camera/phone/ipad , tissues(you'll need them!)- and as its June in Scotland an umbrella!
All sunflowers participate in the sports - there is also some parent participation required- you have been warned! This is followed by a short graduation ceremony for those children leaving to start P1(thats the time for the tissues)and refreshments . Further information on this will be issued directly from the sunflower staff soon .
If the weather is bad , we may have to abandon the sports , but the Graduation will go ahead indoors- everyone pray that the rain stays off!
All parents please note that photos/video recordings will be taking place at this event .

For those of you who will be leaving us this summer , please let me have your leaving date as soon as you have it . We are fully booked at the moment , with long waiting lists. This means that we are not able  to offer extra sessions or increase attendance resulting in some frustration for parents . We will always try to accommodate extra attendances where possible, but we cannot do so at the moment .

Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian are holding a Family Fun, Summer Safety event at the Satrosphere Science Centre this Saturday 14th June 10am to 4pm . This is a FREE day of fun activities and advice to help you and your family enjoy a safer , fun-filled summer . For more info please contact
GrDonald@aberdeencity.gov.uk      rachel.thompson4@nhs.net     peter.nurick@satrosphere.net 

and if that wasn't enough for this weekend , its Father's Day on Sunday too!( Dont forget please) maybe let Dad watch the TV in peace? I'm told there's some football tournament starting this week!

And finally - a reminder that the nursery will be closed on the following dates this year :
Monday 14th July and Monday 22nd September . We shall close at 6pm Tuesday 23rd December and reopen 8am Monday 5th January 2015