Thursday 25 October 2012

Me again!

Since the blog post this morning , we have taken delivery of questionnaires from the Care Inspectorate . These will be randomly distributed across all departments . If you receive one , please complete  and return it directly to the Care Inspectorate in the pre-paid envelope provided . These questionnaires are confidential , so please do not return them to us . If you give permission , the Care Inspectorate may also contact you directly for further information .
This does mean that it is likely that we will have an inspection soon. If so , the inspectors will wish to talk to parents and children and your comments may be included in the inspection report , so don't be surprised if you're approached by someone with a clipboard!

Thank you

Craigton Roundup

Hello everyone ,

A quick update on what the Craigton children have been doing recently .

The schoolhouse children have been continuing their  literacy and numeracy theme , with lots of opportunities for songs, rhymes and stories to encourage early language skills and become more familiar with number and counting as well as early maths concepts such as sorting and comparison(bigger , smaller , less more etc) They are also enjoying autumn with all that brings as well as getting ready for Halloween - a reminder that all the children are welcome to come to nursery Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday next week in costume , and to bring in homemade lanterns for all to see .

The sunflowers are continuing their trains/transport interest - this just keeps on going ! Please have a look at the floorbook on display in the entrance area - there's lots of children's comments and ideas in there . We have an appeal for large  clear containers (preferably with lids) in this department . Large sweetie/coffee jars or similar would be perfect . These will be used for storage , but enable the children to see whats in the jars .
Over the coming weeks the sunflowers will be focusing on two specific area of the CfE .
Health and Wellbeing 0-19a- In everyday activity and play I explore and make choices to develop my learning and interests. I am encouraged to use and share my experiences
Social Studies 0-09a - I have experimented with imaginative ways such as modelling and drawing to represent the world around me , the journeys  I make and the different ways I can travel .
For more information on the CfE and the experiences and outcomes , please visit 

We will also be introducing inspirational quotes throughout the nursery ..... these can be from anyone as long as they have some relevance to early years- politicians, athletes , actors, singers , musicians , scientists , writers , artists, designers - anyone at all  . The pre-school building  are starting with ' All children are artists ' Pablo Picasso. We hope that these quotes and the people who made them , will encourage investigation of lots of different people , cultures and disciplines as well as discussion about the actual quotes.
If you have a favourite quote that would be appropriate , please let us know  and we'll include it . eg . one of mine is 'A person is a person , no matter how small'  Dr .Seuss - smart man ! In case you're not familiar , that's from 'Horton Hears a Who!:-)

A reminder   that its Parents Evening on Wednesday 14th November  - please come along and find out what your children do here all day - its also a great opportunity to meet other parents .

And finally don't forget the clocks go back one hour this weekend and there's not much time left to get your pumpkins!

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Health Alert

Hello again ,

Just to let you know that we have today had a confirmed case of chickenpox in the nursery . Please be aware of the symptoms - usually small spots/blisters on the skin , may be accompanied by a temperature . Some children can be very unwell with chickenpox , and others just uncomfortable from the itchy spots .If you think your child may have chickenpox , please visit a doctor and keep them off nursery until no new spots are appearing , and existing spots have scabbed over - usually about 5 days after the first spots appear
Full details can be found at

Staffing news

Good morning everyone ,

just to let you know that from next week , Kelly (EYP bluebells) will also be spending some time with the buttercups . Kelly will be joining the buttercups Monday , Tuesday and Wednesdays , and with the bluebells Thursday and Fridays . We hope that this will give Kelly the opportunity to extend her knowledge and skills with a different age group , and will  also be helpful for the children  when they move departments , as there will be a familiar adult in their new room . Kelly is very much looking forward to spending time with the buttercups , and getting you know you all :-)

There will be a Parent Forum meeting next week (Tuesday) so please let any member know if there's anything you'd like raised - this years Forum members are : Dawn Blessing , Erin Brown , Hazel Farquhar , Claire Molloy and Alison Siggins .

Don't forget the clocks go back this weekend so you'll have an extra hour to get your Halloween costumes ready !

I've also been told that 'Arctic conditions' are expected by the end of this week! A reminder that in  severe conditions some of our staff are unable to get here ( schools closed , public transport disrupted, roads closed)- if this is the case we may need to close early , so please ensure that we have up to date contact numbers . Also , please avoid using the carpark in heavy snow as it makes it almost impossible to clear(and you'll get stuck!) - be aware that if there is snow around , the carpark may be closed so drive SLOWLY as the chain will be across the drive- Thank you .

Monday 22 October 2012

Happy Monday !

Hello everyone ,

The sunflowers have re-introduced HomeBooks- these will be going home with your child at the end of their nursery week . Please let us know what you've been doing over the weekend- a couple of lines and a photo or drawing by your child is all that's needed - we're not expecting a novel! The children love sharing their experiences outside the nursery with the other children and staff and these books give them all the opportunity to tell us all about home . Please feel free to decorate and personalise these books - anything that will make them individual and recognisable to your child .

Our handyman Fred has fitted a new superduper extra strong gate between the garden and the carpark - this gate gets a lot of traffic and hard use so we thought it was time for a new one ! Its been baffling some parents today as the catch is different - you have been warned :-) The ongoing maintenance continues - Decorator  Dave has recently painted the children's bathroom and the entrance area in the schoolhouse and will be continuing when he can - he's a very busy man!

As the evenings (and mornings) are getting darker , the carpark and outdoor building lights are now on - please be careful in the dark , particularly if its frosty! Don't forget that the clocks go back this weekend so it will be darker earlier.....just in time for ghosts , goblins and ghouls to come out and celebrate Halloween . We shall be having Halloween activities on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday next week - all children are welcome to come in costume and to bring homemade lanterns into nursery- we'd love to see your handiwork! Please leave the sweeties at home though .

A date for your diary .......Parents Evening will be on Wednesday 14th November 6pm to 7:30pm . This is an informal evening , where you will have the chance to talk to staff about your child's progress , see some of what they do when they're here , and meet other parents . Its a drop in evening - you're not expected to be here for an hour and a half! Just come along when you can - we'll all look forward to seeing you there . You'll even be offered a glass of wine too!

Thank you to those who have returned the children's christmas card orders - these have now been sent away and should be back in the next two weeks..........speaking of cards- those of you (and I know there are many ) who are super organised and already getting ready for the big event(YES in October!) PLEASE don't send christmas cards to all the children/staff at nursery- we are very keen on reducing waste and recycling , so please just send one card to the whole group - these will then be displayed so all the children can see them. Thankyou

Back to October now -  please visit the link below for information on Active Aberdeen Festival which will be taking place from today 22nd October to 18th  November . This initiative is part of  Games for Scotland, a Scottish Government plan to ensure a lasting legacy for all from the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.   There are lots of activities for all ages across the city - and many of them are free - have a look

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Keep warm !!!!!!!!!!

Good afternoon everyone ,

as I write this its -1degree so it looks like winter has come early this year ! The evenings will soon be getting darker too as the clocks go back next weekend (Sunday 28th October) - can you believe it??????

We continue to spend time outside whenever possible , so please ensure that the children have suitable warm , waterproof outdoor gear , as well as some soft soled shoes/slippers for indoors - thank you .

The sunflowers enjoyed a visit from Gwen and Mike from Fitstars today - they were encouraged to use their physical skills in a series of adventures , jumping and hopping , running and throwing , squatting and clapping whilst building , working in teams and even exploring space! An action packed morning indeed!

Donna and Alison recently attended an information session by  Fitstars  which led to the invitation to visit us today . Other training attended by staff recently included :
NHS play@home information and training
Allergy information and Epipen use
CfE Expressive arts outside and CfE Science outdoors- the training schedule  for this year  has just got under way and there will be lots more over the coming months.

And finally some new initiatives : the Royal Scottish National Orchestra(RSNO) have created a recording featuring Scottish songs, nursery rhymes and classical works to help new parents communicate , rest and play with their babies . Each child born in Scotland between 15th October 2012 and 14th October 2013 will receive a CD of this recording .
The new National Parenting Strategy has been launched and can be viewed at

Friday 12 October 2012

Health notice

Hello again ,

Just to let you know that we have today had a confirmed case of chickenpox in the nursery . Please be aware of the symptoms - usually small spots/blisters on the skin , may be accompanied by a temperature . Some children can be very unwell with chickenpox , and others just uncomfortable from the itchy spots .If you think your child may have chickenpox , please visit a doctor and keep them off nursery until no new spots are appearing , and existing spots have scabbed over - usually about 5 days after the first spots appear
Full details can be found at

Thursday 11 October 2012


Hello again !

One of our parents , James Farquhar is organising the  Culter Xmas Lights Switch On and this year they are short of volunteers to help on the day . This is always a very well attended event and is one of the highlights of the village year , so please show your support . It will take place on Saturday 24th November from 4 to 6pm - if you'd like to help out on the day , please contact James on 

Thank you

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Its Autumn!

Good afternoon everyone ,

we are continuing to enjoy the lovely autumnal sunshine and making the most of it . The children have been outdoors today , planting some winter flowers in pots and watching the bubbles streaming from the bubble machine , as well as looking at the leaves falling (and helping to tidy them up!) - thanks to you all for bringing outdoor gear for the children - it makes a great difference to their enjoyment when they are suitably dressed!

We have some new faces with us this week at Craigton - Hailey and Vincent are 2nd year nursing students who have been with the sunflowers , and Catharine is in the  schoolhouse on work experience from Cults Academy . We are always happy to offer placements to students and hope that they find their time with us enjoyable as well as informative . We also have Rachel with us on Wednesdays in the buttercups until mid November- this is also work experience with Banchory Academy .

Alas there have also been some unwanted visitors - the return of the winter tummy bug has come early this year , and  there has also been a confirmed  case of  hand, foot and mouth . Please note that we have a 48 hour exclusion policy for tummy bugs - children cannot return to nursery until 48 hours after the last symptoms . In all cases , we follow the guidance given to schools and nurseries from the NHS .  Information sheets are on display in the schoolhouse for hand foot and mouth. As we are heading towards the winter illnesses period , please ensure that all your phone numbers are up to date so we can  contact you quickly if we need to. If we do call you , please pick up your child as soon as possible - we do understand that it can be very frustrating when you're working to get that call , but we need to try to keep the spread of  infections/virus as low as possible to ensure the health of all the children , their families(who may be elderly or pregnant) and the staff.  Please also remember  to call us if your child will not attend nursery through illness or for any other reason.  Thank you for your co-operation.

All the children have been enjoying our  new PajamaDrama sessions with Dini on Tuesday afternoons -  and I rather think that the staff have too! Catherine , our french specialist , has been very impressed with the progress made in her Wednesday afternoon sessions , and will be accelerating the programme as the sunflowers are learning so quickly- mais bien sur! grands  felicitations to Catherine and her husband who are expecting a baby early next year :-) We do love that sort of news at Craigton!

A quick reminder to please persuade the children to leave their toys/precious objects at home, unless asked to bring them in for show and tell . These invariably are  lost/broken/borrowed and this can cause great distress - thank you .

The Christmas cards designed by the children are back and you should all have them  now - Please return any orders as soon as possible - we need to get these sent off by the end of next week to ensure delivery on time.

The sunflowers thoroughly enjoyed their recent railway adventure- we'd like to thank the lovely people at the Deeside Railway , who laid on a special train just for us , and ensured that the sunflowers had a fun, informative and exciting day ! Please have a look at the pictures of this trip at the entrance to the sunflowers room .

That's all for now - more soon !