Tuesday 31 January 2012

Parent request

Good afternoon everyone ,

One of our parents is looking for a second car seat for their child and wandered if any of you have one you no longer use . They need one suitable for  a one year old child(1-4yrs) and are also offering one for 0-12months free to a good home. If anyone can help , please contact Angela on   amcholland@btinternet.com

Thursday 26 January 2012


Yes indeed we have been celebrating Australia Day at Craigton . There have been kangaroos, koalas and dingos galore . The children have also been making Australian flags and maps ,  finding out about Ayers Rock and looking at lovely pictures of Sydney harbour....and although we haven't been enjoying the same weather as Australia today , we have enjoyed learning about it!  . Its been a busy whirl  around the world this week as we have also celebrated Chinese New Year and Burns Night too! Quite  a multi-cultural experience!

We have received updated guidelines for infection control in early years setting , along with recommended exclusion times for specific illnesses . Copies of the full guidance are now  in each department , and the exclusion times are also displayed on the noticeboards. We'd really appreciate your co-operation with these guidelines , as it helps make the whole community(not just the nursery) safer for us all .

Im told that snow is forecast for tonight - so please be careful on the roads and stay warm! Oh to be in Oz now that winter is here! :-)


Tuesday 24 January 2012

Safety Alert

Good morning ,

IKEA have issued a safety alert regarding one of their high chairs . There have been 3 incidents of children falling from the ANTILOP high chair due to a fault in the safety harness . If you have one of these high chairs , please return it to your nearest IKEA store or contact customer services on 08453583364 and they will fit it with a new harness.

If you'd like to  keep up to date with all aspects of child safety news , you can subscribe to the Child Accident Prevention Trust news letter CAPT News - please go to   www.capt.org.uk      to subscribe

Monday 23 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Good afternoon everyone ,

Yes its Chinese New Year today and we are celebrating the Year of the Dragon. The children will be sampling a variety of delicious Chinese foods today and we have some lovely themed items(including a beautiful dragon in the sunflowers) for them to look at and discuss . And it doesn't stop there - this week is also Burn's Night(Wednesday 25th Jan) when we will be enjoying some of the Bards best known poems and feasting on haggis - I think we can expect mixed reactions there!

We have joined the RSPB's Big Bird Watch. The children have been learning about lots of different birds, as well as making feeding balls to attract birds into the garden. The lovely weather we have been enjoying is helping and there are birds galore for us to spot and identify. Continuing on the natural theme , the schoolhouse children have really enjoyed their  new nature table , exploring all kinds of natural items , discovering textures and smells- many thanks to those of you who brought in items for this - its been very successful . We will shortly be asking for your kind donations again , as next month we will be looking at colours and making new treasure baskets - I'll let you know what we'll be looking for very soon.

Our thanks to Hamish Allan , who came along with his big chainsaw last week and cut up a tree that had fallen during last months storms. The children will be using the wood for  construction and imaginative play so nothing will go to waste! Whilst we are outside , also thanks to Tony Ogilvie who has been looking after our garden the past few months , as well as keeping the paths clear in bad weather . If you have any garden work you'd like done , you can contact him on   tonyallseason@hotmail.co.uk  we can highly recommend him! We are not yet out of danger of heavy snow or ice  , so a reminder that in this case , the carpark will be closed til it can be cleared .

And finally , please be aware that this is the season for the usual winter bugs , including the tummy bug . If your child is unwell , please keep them at home . In the case of the tummy bug , they must be clear of symptoms for 48 hours before returning to nursery. If they become unwell whilst with us , we will call you and ask you to take them home . Please be extra vigilant with hygiene- particularly handwashing , and make use of the hand sanitiser in both buildings .  If you are unsure of when your child can return - please ask. We'd really appreciate your co-operation with this - some of these bugs are very infectious and spread quickly amongst the children , staff and visitors to the setting , some of whom may be pregnant  or elderly and at high risk of more serious  health risks. Thank you .

Monday 9 January 2012

P1 enrolment

Good afternoon ,

further to last weeks blog , I have just spoken to Culter School who have informed me that P1 enrolment is this week 9th to 13th Jan - if your child will be starting P1 this year,  please go along to your school with a copy of your child's birth certificate and register them this week . Enrolment for school nursery places begins 16th Jan until 3rd Feb .

Friday 6 January 2012

Holiday Dates 2012

Good afternoon everyone ,

and  Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you had a lovely , peaceful and enjoyable time over the festive break , and that Santa brought you all that you wished for :-)

I know that some of you are very organised and are already planning your holidays this year , so please note that the nursery will be closed on the following dates this year :

Easter Monday - Monday 9th April
Mayday - Monday 7th May
Local holiday - Monday 9th July
Local Holiday - Monday 24th September 

We shall close at 6pm on Friday 21st December and re-open 8am Thursday 3rd January 2013

If your child will be starting P1 or school nursery in August , you will need to register them at your chosen school. Registration is usually mid to late January - the exact  dates will be available from the school and are also published in the local press mid January so please look out for this . You will be asked to complete a registration form , and to take along a copy of the child's birth certificate . Please contact your local school for further information.

Things have been pretty quiet at Craigton this week as many of you are still on holiday - but we look forward to seeing you all back next week . Happy weekend!