Wednesday 30 May 2012

Spring Fair

Good morning everyone ,

a final reminder to come along to our Spring Fair this Saturday 12-3pm . Tickets for this are on sale in both buildings £5.00 for up to 6 people - the admission includes a BBQ so that's a real bargain! There will be lots of activities for the children , and the sunflowers cafe will be a welcome haven for the parents! All donations for the raffle and any homebakes for the most popular stall will be warmly welcomed . All the children and staff have been very busy preparing for this , so please join us ..and bring your friends too! Raffle tickets are also now on sale(50p strip of 5) - this will be drawn around 2:30pm .

Sunflower parents: please remember that Linda from Tempest photography will be here 9:30am on Wednesday next week(6th June) to take class  , as well as individual graduation photos. We need all sunflowers here , ready to be photographed at 9:30 am - we'd hate anyone to miss out! Thank you .

Sunflower Sports Day/Graduation is on Tuesday 12th June - 3pm . All sunflowers attending that morning are welcome to stay til after the event . If your child does not normally attend on a Tuesday ,please bring them in at 2:45pm(plastered in suncream please!). Please don't come any earlier , as we need to set up the outdoor area and lots of other preparations before we start . This is always a very popular and well attended event- please note that seating is VERY limited, so bring a rug with you - along with  a camera(charged!) , water and suncream (we hope!) All sunflowers participate in the races , and you will be asked to join in too! We then have a short graduation ceremony for those children leaving us to start P1(at which point you may need tissues too!) , followed by refreshments . All parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles etc are very welcome .
Please note , if its raining , or has been and the ground is wet , this will be postponed til the following week .

See you all on Saturday - hopefully in the sunshine :-)

Thursday 24 May 2012

Spring Fair

....or should I say Summer Fair? :-) Saturday 2nd June 12-3pm - tickets for this are now on sale in both buildings £5.00 for up to 6 people(if only 1 or 2 then a small donation would be appreciated) the admission includes a BBQ so please all come along and bring your friends and family too! Its always a great day with lots for the children to do and many things to spend all their(and your) pocket money on ! The staff and children work very hard to get everything ready for this and we're all looking forward to seeing you there .

As summer has delighted us by coming along , many of you will be planning your holidays - can I please remind you to let us know if you're going away- in writing please(email is fine ) . Staff also need holidays at this time of year so careful planning is needed . It helps us immensely to know who will be in on any given day .

Looking ahead , we will soon be saying goodbye to those children leaving to start P1 or spend their pre-school year in another nursery . If your child is one of these , can you please let us know their leaving date , and the school/nursery they will be attending as soon as possible.  We need to prepare transition documents for children leaving to go to school/other centres before the end of June when the school year ends . Again , please  email me on the above address or in writing - Thank you .

And finally a reminder to ensure your child has a full change of clothes with them every day , suncream and  a hat - all clearly labelled .  Clothes do get dirty outside(particularly when suncream is added!) and sometimes wet too due to waterplay - so changes are often needed .

Tuesday 22 May 2012


Good afternoon everyone ,

well it seems that summer is finally here and we are making the most of the lovely weather enjoying being outdoors . The sunflowers had a picnic snack yesterday afternoon under the new gazebo in the garden , and the bluebells were fascinated by the large snail that has taken residence on one of the little logs seats supplied by Phoebe's parents(thank you!). We are also eagerly watching the progress of the potatoes , runner beans, sunflowers and pumpkins that were planted last week when Joanne from Gardening 4 Kids came to visit - she brought lots of equipment for the children to use , and answered ALL of their questions! She will be returning next month.

A reminder that if you haven't already done so , please bring in suncream for your child- clearly labelled . We'd also advise a hat (we do have stocks here but most children prefer to wear their own) and clothing that covers shoulders .

Talking of clothing......our pre-school stock of spare clothing is sadly depleted - if you have any at home or items you no longer need, please bring them in - we particularly need boys pants aged 3-5yrs - Thank you .

We are all getting ready for the Spring Fair on Saturday 2nd June 12-3pm - tickets for this are now on sale - £5.00 admits up to 6 people and includes the BBQ . Please come along and join us for some fun activities and a chance to socialise with each other - its always a great afternoon , and the more the merrier. We are still looking for items for the raffle/tombola - all and any donations welcomed!

Our very hardworking Decorator Dave , has now finished the Pre-school building and will shortly be starting on the exterior woodwork so please be aware that the paint may be wet!

There was a Parent Forum meeting last week(minutes on display in each department) and it was suggested that parents would be interested in hearing about training?CPD staff attended , other than the SVQ qualifications that are already posted . This will now be included regularly . Since the last PF meeting in February , staff have attended: Food Hygiene, Child Protection, First Aid, Communication Skills, Lets get gardening. Think Fit, Introduction to Leadership and Management, Advanced Leadership and Management Skills, Treasure Baskets, Messy Play , Pro-active approaches to managing challenging behaviour , Pre-birth to 3,  Sing-a-ring(musical play approach to encourage language development) Additional Support Needs Advisory Project, Educational Strategies, Getting it Right for Every Child(GIRFEC), SSSSC Leadership Masterclass . That's a lot of training!

That was the final PF meeting for this session - Id like to thank Angela Bichan , Lyn Cowie, Hazel Farquhar, Mirjam Green, Claire Molloy, Alison Siggins, Sacha Waldin and Susan Yule for their time, support and contributions over the past few months - its very much appreciated! The PF will resume Aug/Sept and I'll be looking for volunteers to join at that time.

*Don't forget Sunflowers Sportsday/Graduation Tuesday 12th June time TBC but will be in the afternoon)- all parents , grandparents, auntie and uncles welcome- more information to follow.
*Sunflowers class/graduation photos Wednesday 6th June 9:30am - if your child usually attends on this day you don't need to do anything , if not , please bring them in by 9:30am ready to be photographed(and take them away after). Linda from Tempest photography always gets great photos of the children - you'll love them ! Please note you are not obliged to buy a picture , but they really are a lovely memento of their time here.

A reminder that we are closed on the following dates this year:
Monday 9th July
Monday 24th September
Close 6pm Friday 22nd December , re-open Thursday 3rd Jan 2013

Monday 14 May 2012

Spring Fair

Good afternoon everyone ,

Our Spring Fair will be on Saturday 2nd June 12-3pm . Tickets for this funfilled event will be on sale this week(as soon as the sunflowers have finished the design!) A family ticket admitting up to two adults and 4 children will be £5.00 and the admission price includes a BBQ- if there are only one or two of you , please just make a donation . This is always a great day for the whole nursery - everyone has a wonderful time . We shall have our usual attractions - facepainting , games , tombola and raffle(any donations for these gratefully received) and of course the famous homebake stall which is always hugely popular . The sunflowers cafe was a huge hit last year , and will be returning so that weary mums and dads can enjoy a cup of tea and some of those mouthwatering homebakes. The children will be very busy making items for the fair over the next 3 weeks , so please come along and join us - bring your friends and family too - you'll all have a lovely day and will help us raise funds .

I have news of two websites that may be of interest to you . Children in Scotland along with the Scottish Youth Parliament have just launched a website for children and young people with lots of information on the Curriculum for Excellence . Its well worth a look by parents too and will give you some great ideas for extending learning outside nursery, but perhaps more importantly , gives some really good and clear information on the curriculum

The second is a relaunch - new and improved site for nutritional information for under 3's - there are some excellent articles on this site as well as useful tips on weaning , children's food fads , and a section on allergies and intolerances . Also includes useful links to more detailed information if needed

Our thanks to Lesley Simpson (Craigton parent) who came along to visit the sunflowers last week . Lesley is a midwife , and talked to the children about birth and the care of babies - she brought along scales and bottles and everyone had questions for her - the sunflowers hugely enjoyed this event - thank you Lesley!
We'd be very happy for any parent to come along if you feel you have a job/talent/hobby that the children would enjoy hearing about - we love having visitors and you'd be warmly welcomed!

We shall be saying goodbye to Gail (buttercups) this week . Gail has been with us for 2 years . She spent some time in the baby section before moving to the buttercups last year and she achieved her SVQ II at the end of 2011. I'm sure that you will all join us in wishing Gail all the very best for the future- we shall miss you!

Dont forget to register with , and to leave any comments on this  blog - you will have to visit the site to do this , but it would be great to have your feedback .

And finally - Ive had a few queries about the Queen's Jubilee - we will be open as usual that day - Monday 4th June . The dates we are closed for the rest of this year are:
Monday 9th July
Monday 24th September
We shall close at 6pm Friday 21st Dec and re-open 8am Thursday 3rd Jan 2013

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Good afternoon everyone ,

it seems that the damp and cold of April are now behind us and May has started a little warmer and sunny - lets hope it continue that way !

The children have all been very busy . The snowdrops and bluebells are having great fun exploring their new sensory boards - this gives them opportunities to investigate different sounds and movements , encouraging the development of  fine motor skills and hand/eye co-ordination as well as facial recognition and spatial awareness with the big bubble mirror. They , along with all the other children , have been continuing with their outdoor play(despite the weather) and we are hoping that some serious gardening can now be started . Sunflower and other seeds have been planted  in anticipation of this and their growth is being carefully followed (we've even entered a sunflower growing competition - we'll let you know more about this later!) .

The sunflowers role-play area is currently a doctors surgery , and a special visitor came to view this and talk to them last week . Joanne Owen (Craigton parent and GP)  , very kindly gave up her valuable time , and brought along her fully equipped doctors bag to show the sunflowers . They had lots of discussions about general health , people who look after us/make us better when we are unwell , and demonstrated their impressive knowledge  of some of Dr. Joanne's equipment - the pink stethoscope in particular was much admired! Following on from this successful visit , yesterday they had another special visitor . Mirjam Green(Craigton parent) came along to tell the children all about Queen's Day which is celebrated in The Netherlands. They played games that Dutch  children play on Queen's Day, as well as making some lovely orange cakes . I've just been into to talk to the sunflowers about this , and listening to them recounting the event , its clear that they had a great time !
Huge thank yous to Joanne and Mirjam for coming in to see us :-) and if any one else would like to share anything similar with us , we'd be delighted to have you!

A big Craigton Welcome back to Natalie who will be returning after her maternity leave tomorrow . Natalie will be in the schoolhouse part time , working with all departments . She has been on maternity leave since August last year , and was in pre-school for a year before that , but is very much looking forward to being with the younger children again - and we're all very pleased that she(and her daughter) are with us again!
Welcome back also to Jen  who is with us for the summer . Jen is at Edinburgh Uni studying for a BEd and this is her third summer with us - she will be in all departments as needed to cover much deserved staff holidays !

I am delighted to tell you that Maureen(sunflowers) has today completed all her work for SVQ III. I'm sure you will all appreciate the dedication and  sheer hard work required to achieve a qualification whilst working - Congratulations Maureen , we're all very proud of you - Well Done! :-) This is a particularly important event , as Maureen is the first member of staff to achieve a qualification partly funded by the Staff Development Fund , that all parents , children and staff at Craigton give so generously to- your support has been vital in giving a valuable and experienced member of staff the opportunity to achieve a professional qualification - thank you - its very much appreciated :-) ..............................

and while I'm on that subject................our main fundraiser for the year is the Spring Fair . This year it will be on Saturday 2nd June 12-3pm . We will have all our usual attractions and activities and hope that we are as lucky with the weather as we have been previously . Tickets for this will be on sale shortly - this year they will be family tickets admitting up to 2 adults and 4 children for £5.00 - this includes the BBQ so you wont need to make lunch that day ! Please come along , and bring your friends too! We are also appealing for any items for the raffle/tombola - all donations gratefully received.

The redecoration of the pre-school building is still in progress , so please look out for wet paint on Mondays! You will all have noticed the very busy men on the schoolhouse roof I'm sure . Whilst they are with us , the carpark is crowded and it will be more difficult to find a space at busy times - please bear with us - they are working as fast as they can , but they too have been delayed by the recent bad weather .

And finally ... don't forget that we are closed next Monday 7th May - we know you all love it here(as do we) but please don't turn up that day as you wont get in! I am on leave all next week , so emails will not be answered - please call the nursery if you need to tell us anything/request extra sessions . Please leave any other queries/cash payments til my return on Monday 14th May . Thank you

Don't forget to sign up on  and raise money everytime you shop online
