Wednesday 24 July 2013

National Play Day 2013

Aberdeen Play Forum invite you to join them to celebrate National Play Day on Wednesday 7th August 10am - 3:30pm in Union Terrace Gardens . There will be an army obstacle course , bouncy castle , face painting , messy play and den building . The event is free, no need to book although please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult . For more information please email

The schoolhouse children will be focusing on holidays over the coming weeks . They will be investigating everything to do with going on holiday - getting ready to go , transport, beaches and sealife , food as well as sports and safety - looks like they'll be busy!

Following recent sporting events , the sunflowers have become very interested in tennis and other racquet sports and cycling (no mention of golf so far!) We have lots of racquets/bats for them and they have been practising their skills .There's also been a lot of denbuilding both indoors and out , and this morning they watched a news clip of the new royal baby leaving hospital and had a lively discussion about his name!
There was also a lot of talk about the thunderstorm last night which clearly fascinated the children .

I'm now looking for volunteers to join our Parent Forum for the coming year . The forum meets 4 times over the school year and I am hoping to have the first meeting mid August . The meetings last about an hour and a half(depending on what's being discussed) and are usually on a Wednesday evening after we close at 6pm . I need at least 1 representative from each department . Please let me know if you'd be interested in joining the forum this year . Thank you

And finally - we have a large amount of unnamed clothing etc unclaimed in both buildings - please have a look and take home anything that belongs to your child - anything not claimed will be donated to charity .
Please also remember to close and chain the gates in the garden everytime and to drive at walking speed in the carpark - Thank you

Friday 19 July 2013


Good afternoon all ,

we are certainly making the most of the glorious summer weather at Craigton . All the children have been involved in activities outdoors this week  - we've had water play and bubbles and painting and stories , den building and roleplay , climbing and running , quiet time and sleeping ,  mud pies and picnics and all kinds of everything! There was also some harvesting of strawberries but sadly none of these made it home!
Joanne from Gardening4Kids came this afternoon , and under her direction , the children have  been weeding , mulching and feeding the Craigton orchard which is coming along very well indeed - we've also added some solar lighting there, but you'll need to wait til the autumn to see these in action!
After that , they planted the lettuces that have been grown from seed in the growing area(enriched with our homemade compost) and very enthusiastically watered all the plants (and everything else in sight!) Its been a fun in the sun week at Craigton !

Those of you who have children starting P1 after the summer , will have had a letter from Donna regarding the city school summer bags project . We have now been informed that Cutler school is not participating in this initiative - that will be why some of you have not received these - sorry for any confusion!

Another gentle reminder to return your PS funding applications and sunflowers class photos or payment  as soon as you can please - thank you .

Hope that you all have a lovely weekend - I can smell the BBQ's already :-) dont forget your sunscreen!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

staffing news

Good afternoon everyone ,

ans isn't a lovely one ! We are all very much enjoying the beautiful summer at Craigton and hope that you all are too!

A very warm Craigton welcome to Cari Kenrick who joins the bluebells today as an Assistant EYP. Cari came to us last summer for some valuable experience before going to college where she has recently completed her NC in Early Education and Childcare. We are delighted that she now joins us full time , where she hopes to continue her training . Please make yourselves known to her - it can take some time to become familiar with all those new names and faces!

A quick reminder to return PS funding forms , sunflowers photos/payment and school reports as soon as possible- Thank you

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Pre-school funding

Good afternoon everyone ,

All children eligible for PS funding during the session 2013/14 will have received application forms recently. Please complete part A only , and return to me , along with a copy of the child's passport/birth certificate as soon as possible - if you don't apply you will not receive the funding !  All children born between 1st March 2009 to 28th February 2011 are eligible . If your child was born between these dates and you have not received an application , or if you will not be applying for any reason, please let me know.(Please note if your child will be attending a local authority nursery , they will NOT  receive funding)

Please also return sunflower photos or payment for them as soon as you can - Thank you.

Leavers end of year reports are also being distributed at the moment - you will be given two copies . Please sign and return one to us , as these will be sent to your child's school.

I'm sorry that some parents have been disappointed recently that we have not been able to accommodate extra sessions . This is the busiest time of year for us and most sessions are full - we realise that its very frustrating if we cant  offer extra sessions - we will always say yes if we are able to ! If you are requesting extra sessions , its best to ask staff directly when you drop off/pick up - they have each sessions expected numbers and in most cases will be able to give you an immediate answer .

Don't forget to let us know if you're going on holiday over the summer, or if your child wont be attending nursery for any other reason.

And a final reminder that we shall be closed on  Monday 8th July  . I will be on annual leave the rest of that week too , so please note that emails will not be monitored - please call us if you wish to tell us anything . Please leave enquiries regarding attendance , funding , invoices or any cash payments until my return on  Monday 15th July , as the staff are unable to help you with these matters . Thank you .

The weatherman says that from tomorrow(Thursday) we can expect some real summer weather- lets hope he's right!