Thursday 25 April 2013

Health news

Hello everyone ,

I had an email today from the Infant and Toddler Forum , who are contacting all members to let them know that the British Dental Health Association have issued a warning regarding young  children drinking too much fruit juice - this is leading to increases in dental decay in pre-school children.
The ITF have issued a factsheet and tips for parents

While on the subject of health , can I please remind you that if your child is unwell they should not come to nursery . Bringing children back to nursery before they are fully well makes their  recovery much longer and they will be more likely to pick up any other virus/infection as their immune system will be lowered. If your child has been prescribed antibiotics , please do not bring them straight back to us after the doctors appointment - these medicines need time to take effect- at least overnight . We do appreciate that it can be  difficult for working parents , but these viruses/infections can be highly contagious and affect not just your child but all  children at the nursery , their families and the staff . The NHS guidance for children in daycare even for a cold (on display on noticeboards) is that they do not attend until fully recovered- please help us to keep everyone as healthy as we can by following these. The  health and safety of all the children is our primary concern - if we ask you to take your child home , or refuse admittance , it is because we don't think they are well enough to be here or they are returning before  the recommended exclusion times .

Grounds for Learning , the organisation who donated the lovely fruit tress for our orchard , have been in touch with us. They would like us to send pictures of the progress to be posted on their website . Letters and permission forms for this have been sent out to you if your child appears in any of these - please return to us asap- thank you . Once on the site , I'll post a link .

And speaking of websites - our new site is now online although its not totally finished - we will be making some adjustments to it over the next few weeks , but the basic site is now in place . Please have a look and tell us what you think

Its been sometime since I've mentioned Easy Fundraising so here we go........... please sign up at . Once registered , each time you shop online , you can raise funds for us . It doesn't cost you a penny - in fact there are lots of special offers and discounts so you could even save money . There are hundreds of retailers participating so you're bound to use at least one of them .You can download their find and remind tool which will tell you when you're visiting a participating site so you don't even need to remember to log in. Its a really, really  easy way to raises funds . We currently have 19 supporters who have raised over £500 in the last 2 years just by shopping online- please join us !

Did someone mention fundraising???????? A reminder that tickets are now on sale for our family Funday on Saturday 1st June 12-3pm . We're also now accepting donations for the raffle- anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated!

And finally don't forget that the nursery will be closed on Mayday - Monday 6th May

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Family Fun Day

Hello ,

Tickets are now on sale in both buildings for  our Family FunDay on Saturday 1st June 12-3pm . They are £5.00 for a family  ticket which admits as many as you'd like to bring with you- so make sure you tell your family and friends ! If you're on your own with a child - a donation on the door is fine thanks :-)
There will be all kinds of things to do - this is always a very popular event and is our main fundraising activity of the year. Please come along and join us - the admission includes BBQ so you wont go hungry either .

We are asking for donations for the raffle which will be drawn  on the day - anything at all that you can spare will be well received and help us to raise funds - raffle tickets are now also on sale .

So keep that afternoon free and come and join the fun - its also an great opportunity to meet and talk to other parents . Start saving those pennies !

Thanks to the sunflowers who came dressed up today - I have spotted an array of winged creatures and even St George is here! There's clearly been a lot of effort gone into the costumes - well done everyone. The next  dressing up day will be Friday 31st May - theme TBC

Another date to keep free is the Sunflowers Sports Day and Graduation . This is scheduled for Wednesday 12th June 3pm (weather permitting) if we are rained off , the backup day is the following week(19th) at the same time . More info on this will be issued nearer the time .

In anticipation of glorious spring/summer weather , can we please ask you all to bring in suncream and  a sun hat  for your child- clearly labelled please .

An other reminder that we shall be closed on MayDay-Monday 6th May

Thursday 18 April 2013


Its a lovely sunny spring morning as I type this - lets hope it lasts!

To celebrate the arrival of Spring , this will be the theme for the sunflowers dressing up day on Tuesday next week( 23rd April). All sunflowers are invited to come along dressed as anything to do with spring - flowers , bugs , caterpillars, butterflies ...anything you can think of .

We're continuing these dressing up days in response to the very positive feedback after the Superheroes and Princesses day last month  - there will be one a month now , on a different day of the week each time so that all the children can participate . Please keep the dressing up outfits for these days , so we can make  them special events for the children .

The next few dressing up days will be : Friday 31st May , Monday 24th June and Thursday 25th July . We'll let you know the theme for each one nearer the time .

I am having a long weekend - I shall be off  Friday 19th to Monday 22nd April , returning on Tuesday 23rd .
Please note that emails will not be monitored during this time - if you need to let us know of absences or have any queries , please call the nursery 01224 733980- thank you .

And finally a reminder that we shall be closed on MayDay - Monday  6th May

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Staffing news

Hello everyone ,

We have some goodbyes to say soon . Emma (buttercups) will be leaving us this week to start a new job . She has been with us since leaving school in July 2010 and successfully completed SVQ II at the end of 2011. Her last day will be this Friday . We all wish you well in your new job Emma!
Kelly will now be joining the buttercups full time- she currently works Monday- Wednesday in buttercups , Thurs-Fri with the babies . We are recruiting for new staff and will let you know when we have found the right person to join us .

Next week we shall also say goodbye to our cook , Georgia , who is retiring . Georgia has been responsible for creating delicious , nutritious lunches for the Craigton children since October 2011. She is looking forward to spending time with her family , recently returned from overseas, especially her grandson. Thanks for all the lovely food Georgia!
I am happy to say though that we have a new cook starting in May . Katie is  very experienced and has previously worked in care homes as well as hotels and restaurants. She has a young baby herself , so now has an added interest in children's food and nutrition !

And there's more......... Matthew and Rachel,  4-6 assistants in the sunflowers will also be leaving at the end of this month . Both will be sitting exams in May , and are looking forward to going to university later in the year . Best of luck to you both with your studies! We will be joined by Jemma who will be our new 4-6 girl in the sunflowers . Jemma is in S4 at Cults Academy and lives in Culter - so she may well be familiar to you already .

And talking of leavers........... a reminder to those of  you who have children leaving to start P1 this year , please let us know as soon as possible which school they will be attending so we can begin the transition process . We'd also appreciate leaving dates as soon as you have them - this applies to anyone leaving to go to another setting for PS year too. And please also tell us if you're planning a summer holiday. All these need to be in writing please- email is fine( . Thank you .

Don't forget that the nursery will be closed on May Day - Monday 6th May

Wednesday 10 April 2013


Good morning everyone,

Yesterday (Tuesday) we said goodbye to Jenna , who has been leading the PyjamaDrama sessions for the past few months...but dont despair, the sessions will be continuing , though moving to a new timeslot . From next week , Dini will be visiting us on Thursday mornings . PyjamaDrama lead sessions with all the children- babies , buttercups and sunflowers all have  their drama fun !

We are almost finished work on our new website - this now just needs some editing and updated pictures- we hope  this will be live very soon - watch this space! Once again , many thanks to Susan Yule who has given us her very valuable time and expertise on this project.....even though her children have moved on to school!

All the children have been out and about looking for signs of spring(between the snow showers) there have been walks around the village , the library and post office , as well as playing and exploring in the garden .
The sunflowers and buttercups really enjoyed a visit for the Zoolab Springtime show . We had all kinds of creatures for the children to learn about , look at and handle - we saw : an African  giant snail, a tarantula , giant millipede , hissing cockroaches , snakes  and  a frog and more. There were lots of questions too and they found out about hibernation , environment,climate and lots more .

The sunflowers CfE focus this term will be science SCN 0-20a "I can talk about science stories to develop my understanding of science and the world around me" All pre-school staff have recently attended training on implementing the CfE outdoors - this has covered literacy , numeracy , nature and language development as well as science and maths concepts - all we need now is some better weather so we can spend more time outdoors!  For further information on CfE as well as the experiences and outcomes , please visit

And finally a few reminders:
If you're leaving a baby buggy with us, please make sure you fold it - lots of buggies in the entrance area make it difficult for anyone to enter or exit .
Please ensure that you close and chain all gates in the garden every time .
Please drive very , very slowly in the carpark and ensure that your children are supervised in the outdoor area.
Please do not use mobile phones in the nursery buildings or the garden, and remember that the entire area including the car park is non smoking.
Don't forget to name/initial all clothing left at nursery - the sunflowers have a large amount of winter gear on the entrance table with no names - please have  a look and see if it belongs to your child . All unclaimed items will be donated to charity  .

The nursery will be closed on the following dates this year :
Monday 6th May
Monday 8th July
Monday 23rd September
We shall close at 6pm Monday 23rd December and re-open Monday 6th January 2014

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Please note

Hello ,

I've received an email today from a parent reporting that that they had seen another parent smoking in the carpark this morning(Wednesday) . Please note that the entire nursery premises are non-smoking , including the outdoor areas, and since the smoking ban , it is an offence to smoke in non-smoking premises.
Please ensure that anyone else coming to collect/drop off children is aware of this too . Thank you for your co-operation 

Tuesday 2 April 2013

And there's more!

Hello again ,

I've just had some information sent  to me that Id like to pass on to you all .

You will all have heard of the Scottish Executive's PlayTalkRead campaign . This is to encourage development in under 3's . They have just announced that Blair Drummond Safari Park  have joined as  a partner to this and are supporting 30 WILD things to do before you're 3 . They are running workshops and interactive activities....and under 3's go free!!!! For more info please go to

We've also just received the latest books in the 'Go Safe with Ziggy' series . Children in their pre-school year will find 'Ziggy goes Zab-a-Ding-a-Wheeee' and those in their ante-pre-school year ' Ziggy's Sunny Holiday'
This series of books is to encourage children awareness of road safety and are for you to take home . We reinforce the message with big book versions at the nursery. Further information on 'Go Safe with Ziggy' and links to CfE , as well as videos and games , can be found at

Another big book we have is 'Please dont eat me' . This is  the story of a little acorn surviving through the seasons  and growing into an oak tree . It was written by a Craigton grandmother , Kathryn Green and is beautifully illustrated . This is Kathryn's third book and they have all been great favourites with the children We have small versions of this book on display in the sunflowers entrance area - £5.99 with £1.00 from each book being donated to our Staff  Development  Fund .

And that should be all for today !

Springtime !

Good morning everyone ,

I hope that you all had  a lovely Easter and enjoyed the long weekend ! As British Summer time officially began this weekend too, hopefully we can look forward to the temperatures rising soon :-)

In anticipation of the long awaited spring, the sunflowers decorated some bird houses last week with Joanne from Gardening 4KIds  - they are lovely and will be out in the garden soon . We are expecting lots of visitors on Thursday  when the Zoolab Spring Roadshow arrives at Craigton . These sessions are always great fun and very informative - the children learn a lot about the many creatures making an appearance , and have the opportunity to handle them too. We'll let you know how it went :-)

Following some very positive feedback on the sunflowers Princesses and Superheroes Day last week , we have decided to have more of these themed days .  The actual themes will be discussed with the children and we'll let you know what they are when  we know...but for now please note that the dressing up days will be :
Tuesday 23rd April , Friday 31st May , Monday 24th June , Thursday 25th July . We've made it  a different day each month so that all the children have  the opportunity to take part .

And while on the subject of important dates :

The sunflowers Sport's Day and Graduation is planned for Wednesday 12th June 3pm . All sunflowers take part in the sports which is followed by a short graduation ceremony for those children leaving to start school after the summer . You don't want to miss this! More details to follow nearer the time . Please note that if the weather is bad, this will be the same time the following week- 19th June .

And the date you've all been waiting for .......the Family Fun Day will be on Saturday 1st June 12-3pm . This is our major fundraising event of the year and is always very well attended . There will be lots for the children to do - lucky dip, tombola, tattoos, nails and lots more . Tickets will be £5 for a family and this includes BBQ food so you don't even need to make lunch that day! This is also the day for you to enjoy the world famous Craigton homebake stall( ok Culter famous) which is always very , very popular . Tickets for this will go on sale in May - keep the afternoon free and bring along all your friends . The organising committee this year are Julie , Kelly and Nicole , so I'll let you have more details once they have decided what we'll be doing ! We will be asking for donations for the raffle and tombola nearer the time too !

Don't forget that the children need a full change of clothes with them every day , suitable outdoor gear and indoor shoes/slippers. We are very fortunate to have our outdoor area and we try to have the children outdoors at some point every day. In order to fully enjoy this , they need to be properly dressed(its still pretty cold out there!) Also , everything needs to be named or initialled as its impossible to keep track of hats , gloves , vests , socks etc that are not named . Thank you .

Now I know it seems some time away yet , but many children will be leaving us this summer to start 'big school' . In order to make this transition as smooth as possible , Donna(transition co-ordinator) would like to start contacting schools to make arrangements after the Easter holidays . So if your child will be  going into P1 this year , can you please let us know which school they will be attending as soon as possible . Also , once you know them , please let me have leaving dates too .