Friday 24 February 2012

Culter School Fundraiser

Good afternoon everyone ,

and a very happy Friday to you all- although I discovered this week at the Parent Forum meeting (minutes on display in each department) that  there is a delay on the blog being posted and you wont get this til tomorrow! I shall try to remember this in future and post a day earlier :-) Please leave your comments on the blog too - it would be really good to have more people contributing, and your feedback is always welcomed.

Culter School are having a fundraising evening on Saturday 3rd March . The Bloody Marys are playing at the Culter Mills Club. So please go along and enjoy a bit of Take That, Abba and the Rocky Horror Show. Tickets are £15.00 and all proceeds go to Culter School . Please contact or call 07928971745 or see Hazel Farquhar (Angus and Georgia's mum)

Hope you all make the most of the gorgeous springlike weather and have  a lovely weekend

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Ziggys Adventures

Good afternoon ,

and Happy Shrove Tuesday to you all - hope you manage at least one pancake today - we certainly have here!

Road Safety Scotland have published a serious of books for pre-school children featuring Ziggy , a friendly alien who needs to have all aspects of road safety explained to him . They are distributed to children in their ante-pre and pre-school years . Some of you will already be familiar with Ziggy and his adventures - we use the books in the nursery too. New books have arrived so the sunflowers will find them in their files today. The ante-preschool children will find 'Ziggy Visits Granny' , while the pre-schoolers have 2 books 'Ziggy goes Zab-a-ding-a-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' and 'Ziggy's Sunny Holiday'. Please read and enjoy  them at home with your children , we also have copies here so will continue to use them and reinforce the road safety message . You can also follow Ziggys adventures online at

Friday 17 February 2012

Friday Fun !

Good afternoon everyone ,

and happy Friday to you all :-)
We had  a quality assurance visit from our Pre-school development officer this morning . These visits are to ensure that Partner providers of pre-school education are delivering the Curriculum for Excellence(CfE) and providing quality learning opportunities for the children . The focus today was on literacy and numeracy . Whilst here , she was treated to an enthusiastic rendition of Bear Hunt with all the sunflowers joining in. The children are continuing to enjoy this theme and the bear cave is expanding daily!
The sunflowers have also had great fun with some new resources - some have  been camping in their tent,  others looking at shapes , patterns and colour viewing a variety of objects on the light box , and  they have all been intrigued by the kaliedescopes and bug-eye viewers.
The schoolhouse children have extended their role play area with new appliances- the Henry  hoover has been particularly popular- they are all very keen to use this - hope they do the same at home!
We are all making the most of the mild weather and spending a lot of time outdoors , both at the nursery and walks around the village , along the old railway line and visits to the local parks . Birds are continuing to be attracted to our garden by the feeders the children have made , along with the feeding tables and the children have become very good at identifying them , although one sunflower told me yesterday that there hadn't been any magpies or owls spotted yet :-)

Some breaking news : the government are today publishing films of parents, teachers and children talking about the impact the CfE has had . They will be available to view  from today at

Hope you all have  a lovely weekend- remember to stock up for Pancake Day!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Education Scotland Event

Good morning ,

Education Scotland are hosting an event for parents - Parents as Partners in their Children's Learning . This will be held on Saturday 24th March at the Stirling Management Centre , University of Stirling Campus . If you are interested in attending this event , or would like more information about Education Scotland please visit 

The Craigton children have been busy recently- I hope you all liked your lovely valentine's day cards! They have also been enjoying walks around the village , and continuing to lookout for birds following our participation in the RSPB bird watch - the lucky birds have also been attracted to our garden by the feeders made by the children!
The sunflowers hugely enjoyed their Bear Hunt activities and you will see evidence of this in the garden , as well as the bear cave they have made in the classroom.
The school house children are making the most of their interest tables - at the moment they are continuing looking at colours and exploring their new treasure baskets. They will also soon be developing sensory areas and activities- and all the children are spotting the signs of the arrival of spring, and looking forward to getting gardening again soon!  

Dont forget its Shrove Tuesday next week(pancake day!) . There will also be a Parents Forum meeting on 22nd Feb - if you have anything you'd like raised at the meeting , please see any of the forum- they are : Angela Bichan , Lyn Cowie , Hazel Farquhar , Mirjam Green , Claire Molloy , Alison Siggins, Sacha Waldin and Susan Yule.

Ive had  a request from our accountant  - if you are making bank transfers, please email this to me stating the date and amount of payment - thanks

And finally a reminder that the nursery will be closed on the following dates this year :
Easter Monday    9th April
May Day            7th May
Local Holiday     9th July
Local Holiday     24th September
We will close at 6pm on Friday 21st December and reopen 8am Thursday 3rd January 2013

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Helpful hints

Good afternoon everyone ,

If any of you have been online today , Im sure you'll have seen from the Google doodle that today is Charles Dicken's 200th Birthday.... but did you also know that its Safe Internet Day?  You can click on the link on Google UK homepage and get some very good tips on keeping your family safe online - as well as watching videos posted by parents. Have a look if you get the chance - there's some useful stuff !

Thursday 2 February 2012


Good afternoon everyone ,

Ive had an update from  today and since we registered in October last year we have raised just under £70.00 ....and that's with only 10 people registering as supporters- many thanks to those 10 !

Can I ask that you all consider doing this please . Just go to   and look for Craigton Lodge Nursery . You can download a reminder tool  that will tell you each time you are visiting a site that donates to easyfundraiser . If you shop online at all , accessing retailers through this site will automatically generate donations for us and it doesn't cost you anything, Just downloading the tool raises 50p(though this does depend on your internet browser- its not yet available for Google Chrome but they tell me its coming soon). You will also have access to special offers and discounts for hundreds of retailers so you may even save money. Please register today.... thankyou.

Also , I have a correction to yesterdays blog - Shrove Tuesday is 21st Feb NOT 28th - my apologies for the mistake - I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on their pancakes!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Health Information

Good morning ,

I have downloaded a fact sheet about Vitamin D in children's diets - this will be on the noticeboards today . It is estimated that 95% of pre-school children in the UK don't obtain the recommended daily amount of vitamin D. Current government recommendations for vitamin supplements for under 5's  have a poor uptake with only 20% of this age group taking a vitamin D supplement . For more information , please read the factsheet .

A reminder of some security points . Please ensure that you close and chain gates in the garden area every time. Do not allow your child to climb on the fences or gates. Drive very , very slowly in the carpark as there may be children there. Please don't let anyone into the nursery buildings, and if anyone other than you will be picking up your child, please call to let us know (you don't need to do this if its  a regular arrangement that we know about). If your child will not be attending nursery for any reason , please tell us . Written notice of holidays would be appreciated(an email is fine- in the case of illness we need to alert other parents - Even if you're just having a day at home please call and let us know .

Please note that our late-pick up policy also applies to children only in for the morning . Children not staying for the afternoon must be picked up before 1:30pm . If you are going to be late , please call and let us know - otherwise you will be fined - the current fine is £10.00 /15mins or part . The full policy is in your welcome pack , and all nursery policies are available in each department.

So January is finally over(been a long month!) and we are looking forward to Valentines Day 14th Feb(dont forget that one!) and Shrove Tuesday 28th Feb(Pancake Day) as well as the arrival of spring!
There is a Parents Forum meeting scheduled for Wednesday 22nd Feb - if you have anything you'd like raised at this meeting , please see any member of the forum - this year's representatives are: Angela Bichan , Lyn Cowie , Hazel Farquhar , Mirjam Green, Claire Molloy , Alison Siggins , Sacha Waldin and Susan Yule.

Important Dates
The Nursery will be closed on the following dates this year
Monday 9th April - Easter Monday
Monday 7th May - Mayday
Monday 9th July - Aberdeen Holiday
Monday 24th September - Aberdeen holiday
We shall close at 6pm Friday 21st December and reopen 8am Thursday 3rd January 2013