Thursday 6 February 2014

Hello everyone ,

we have been very busy at Craigton recently . We have celebrated Burns Night - we watched some Scottish country dancing , made our own Saltires , looked at tartans , and listened to some of the Bards poems . Chinese New Year was very exciting- we watched a dragon dance and made our own dragon as well as Chinese lanterns and had a Chinese feast too!

This month we are looking forward to Valentines Day on 14th as well as (we hope) the arrival of spring! Joanne from Gardening 4 Kids came to see us recently , and the sunflowers had a great discussion about 'What is a Garden' and made scrap books for their perfect garden . Jo will be back again soon and we'll be getting the growing areas ready for some planting- hopefully using our own nursery made compost  , as well as checking out the progress of our fruit trees in the orchard .

The schoolhouse children will also be celebrating Valentines Day , and after this will be looking at Safety and Transport . The sunflowers would like to make a display of the children's immediate families in the classroom - so please bring in one or 2 photos of your family to add to this .

The recent horrible weather has had an impact on our time outdoors recently , but with the arrival of the sun today , and lighter afternoons , we hope to be spending a lot more time outdoors . A reminder  to please ensure that your child has suitable out door clothing and footwear , as well as soft soled indoor shoes or slippers , and a change of clothing each day - Thank you .

Looking ahead a little - its World Book Day on Thursday  6th March . We will be taking part as we do each year - you have already all been given a WBD token for money off books , and nearer the time we will tell you how we will be celebrating this year .

Sadly , Donna(sunflowers) will be leaving us soon . She has decided to take some time out to spend with her young family - I'm sure we all appreciate how difficult it can be at times for working parents, and though we will miss her , totally understand her decision  .  She wont be leaving us entirely as she'll continue to do some relief days for us , but her last regular day will be Thursday 20th February.

Finally , please note that we shall be closed on the following dates this year :
Easter Monday : 21st April
May Day : 5th May
Aberdeen holidays : 14th July and 22nd September
We'll close at 6pm on Tuedsay 23rd December  and re-open 8am Monday 5th January 2015

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