Tuesday 22 October 2013

Staffing news

Hello everyone , 

Sadly , it will be Suzi's (sunflowers) last day with us on Friday . We all wish her well for the future. 
This does mean that we shall be having some new staff joining us soon though! 
Stefanie Laing will be joining the schoolhouse as a partitme nursery assistant, Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday mornings from next week . Stefanie has previous experience as a childminder , as a support worker in primary school  , and has three children of her own .
The sunflowers will be joined by Petra Gojdanova and Paula Canales Escriva as assisiant EYP's also from next week . Petra has been a relief assistant in nurseries and has been recently working with an afterschool club whilst completing her SVQ III . Paula was an Early Years Teacher in her native Spain , before moving to Aberdeen earlier this year . 
They have all spent some time over the past two weeks in the rooms with the children  , beginning to get to know us, and we'd like like to give them a great big Craigton WELCOME . It can take time to remember  all those new names and faces , so please make yourselves known to them  . 

And that's not all: I'm delighted to tell you that Cari Kenrick(Assistant EYP bluebells) has completed her induction period and now joins us as a permanent staff member , and  Melissa Sinclair (bluebells) is now a fully fledged EYP after gaining her qualification earlier  this year , and successfully completing our Craigton induction into  a new role . Congratulations to you both! 

You should by now all have received the proofs of the lovely Christmas cards created by your children - if you don't have them yet,  they are in your child's wall file so please pick them up asap . If you like them , you can order these in packs of 10 for £5,00 - full instructions are with the card . 
We have also distributed the Scholastic Book Club Christmas catalogue, with lots of  great book ideas for you know what. 
If you'd like to order either of these , please return by Friday 1st November .  They will be sent away the following week to ensure delivery in plenty of  time . 

Dont forget Parents Evening is on Thursday 14th November 6pm-7:30pm - we look forward to seeing you all there . 
There is also a Parent Forum meeting next week , so please let a member know if you'd like anything raised at this meeting . This years members are : Erin Brown , Carl Gerrard , Claire Molloy , Deirdre Strachan and Madhuri Thakur, Minutes of  these meetings are displayed on all department information boards . 

And finally - thank you for the safe return of the missing waterproof suit last week - much appreciated! This did lead to some suggestions from parents regarding the conservatory area - thank you for these- we are currently looking at options for providing more pegs in this area. Its not easy as we are restricted with wall space - but  we'll do what we can! 

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