Wednesday 24 July 2013

National Play Day 2013

Aberdeen Play Forum invite you to join them to celebrate National Play Day on Wednesday 7th August 10am - 3:30pm in Union Terrace Gardens . There will be an army obstacle course , bouncy castle , face painting , messy play and den building . The event is free, no need to book although please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult . For more information please email

The schoolhouse children will be focusing on holidays over the coming weeks . They will be investigating everything to do with going on holiday - getting ready to go , transport, beaches and sealife , food as well as sports and safety - looks like they'll be busy!

Following recent sporting events , the sunflowers have become very interested in tennis and other racquet sports and cycling (no mention of golf so far!) We have lots of racquets/bats for them and they have been practising their skills .There's also been a lot of denbuilding both indoors and out , and this morning they watched a news clip of the new royal baby leaving hospital and had a lively discussion about his name!
There was also a lot of talk about the thunderstorm last night which clearly fascinated the children .

I'm now looking for volunteers to join our Parent Forum for the coming year . The forum meets 4 times over the school year and I am hoping to have the first meeting mid August . The meetings last about an hour and a half(depending on what's being discussed) and are usually on a Wednesday evening after we close at 6pm . I need at least 1 representative from each department . Please let me know if you'd be interested in joining the forum this year . Thank you

And finally - we have a large amount of unnamed clothing etc unclaimed in both buildings - please have a look and take home anything that belongs to your child - anything not claimed will be donated to charity .
Please also remember to close and chain the gates in the garden everytime and to drive at walking speed in the carpark - Thank you

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