Tuesday 2 April 2013

Springtime !

Good morning everyone ,

I hope that you all had  a lovely Easter and enjoyed the long weekend ! As British Summer time officially began this weekend too, hopefully we can look forward to the temperatures rising soon :-)

In anticipation of the long awaited spring, the sunflowers decorated some bird houses last week with Joanne from Gardening 4KIds  - they are lovely and will be out in the garden soon . We are expecting lots of visitors on Thursday  when the Zoolab Spring Roadshow arrives at Craigton . These sessions are always great fun and very informative - the children learn a lot about the many creatures making an appearance , and have the opportunity to handle them too. We'll let you know how it went :-)

Following some very positive feedback on the sunflowers Princesses and Superheroes Day last week , we have decided to have more of these themed days .  The actual themes will be discussed with the children and we'll let you know what they are when  we know...but for now please note that the dressing up days will be :
Tuesday 23rd April , Friday 31st May , Monday 24th June , Thursday 25th July . We've made it  a different day each month so that all the children have  the opportunity to take part .

And while on the subject of important dates :

The sunflowers Sport's Day and Graduation is planned for Wednesday 12th June 3pm . All sunflowers take part in the sports which is followed by a short graduation ceremony for those children leaving to start school after the summer . You don't want to miss this! More details to follow nearer the time . Please note that if the weather is bad, this will be the same time the following week- 19th June .

And the date you've all been waiting for .......the Family Fun Day will be on Saturday 1st June 12-3pm . This is our major fundraising event of the year and is always very well attended . There will be lots for the children to do - lucky dip, tombola, tattoos, nails and lots more . Tickets will be £5 for a family and this includes BBQ food so you don't even need to make lunch that day! This is also the day for you to enjoy the world famous Craigton homebake stall( ok Culter famous) which is always very , very popular . Tickets for this will go on sale in May - keep the afternoon free and bring along all your friends . The organising committee this year are Julie , Kelly and Nicole , so I'll let you have more details once they have decided what we'll be doing ! We will be asking for donations for the raffle and tombola nearer the time too !

Don't forget that the children need a full change of clothes with them every day , suitable outdoor gear and indoor shoes/slippers. We are very fortunate to have our outdoor area and we try to have the children outdoors at some point every day. In order to fully enjoy this , they need to be properly dressed(its still pretty cold out there!) Also , everything needs to be named or initialled as its impossible to keep track of hats , gloves , vests , socks etc that are not named . Thank you .

Now I know it seems some time away yet , but many children will be leaving us this summer to start 'big school' . In order to make this transition as smooth as possible , Donna(transition co-ordinator) would like to start contacting schools to make arrangements after the Easter holidays . So if your child will be  going into P1 this year , can you please let us know which school they will be attending as soon as possible . Also , once you know them , please let me have leaving dates too .

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