Monday 3 December 2012

Weather warning

Hello everyone ,

well winter has really arrived now ! The forecast for tonight is snow , followed by freezing temperatures(-4) . That means that all the slush/rain that's around just now will be ice by morning- so please be aware that we may need to close the carpark  until we can make it safe . Please drive and walk very carefully !

Every year I am touched by your generosity for the Giving Tree Appeal - but this year the response has been amazing! My office looks like Santa's grotto- (yes Santa helpers have not yet been to collect so you still have time if you've forgotten to hand in a gift !)  Your gifts really will make a huge difference to so many children in this area - it will bring Christmas joy to those that need it most . As they are unable to thank you themselves , may I do so on their behalf . Its been a difficult year for everyone , but you have all taken the time and effort and given a little extra to a child you will probably never meet - and that is the true Christmas spirit - Thank you so much :-)

A reminder of the up coming celebrations :  The sunflowers Xmas concert is at 3pm Wednesday 19th  December (all sunflowers will be taking part and rehearsals are already underway!) ) Xmas Party 2-4pm Thursday 20th December(all sunflowers and buttercups are invited- the snowdrops and bluebells have their own more restrained  celebrations for those that normally attend) Please note as this is such a busy time , we are unable to offer extra sessions that week .

We are also asking for donations for the Christmas Hamper raffle which will take place after the sunflowers concert on Wednesday 19th . Tickets for this will be on sale soon .

The nursery will close at 6pm Friday 21st December and re-open 8 am Thursday 3rd January 2013.

If you're planning a clearout before Santa arrives with lots of goodies ,  don't forget that we have a charity bin out side the preschool building - so you dont even need to go to the shop to drop it off !

Wrap up warm!

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