Thursday 20 September 2012

Holiday weekend

Good afternoon everyone ,

We are all enjoying some sunshine today at Craigton - as I write this all the children are outside enjoying exploring in the garden . There's activity in the grassy area - still den building happening , looking at insects (millipedes and spiders today) collecting leaves that are starting to fall , and some lovely imaginative  play in the sandpit - fishing with rods they have made and some are busy at the outdoor kitchen hoping that there's a good catch, while others have gone for a walk around the village and a visit to the library before tucking into  one of Georgia's lovely lunches !
We do try and spend time outdoors daily , and as the weather is becoming more autumnal , please ensure that your children have suitable outdoor clothing with them every day - at this time of year that means warm waterproof jackets and trousers or suits , boots (and soon hats and gloves) . Please also make sure they have soft soled shoes or slippers for indoors and a full change of clothes - thank you .

The schoolhouse children are continuing with their focus on Literacy and Numeracy with activities, songs and games to encourage early language and counting skills . The snowdrops are also developing a sensory area to allow the smallest of our Craigton children to investigate different textures , sensations and smells . The sunflowers are continuing to look at trains- this topic is very popular and the children are still coming up with lots of ideas. Please have  a look at the floorbook on display in the entrance area . They will be going to see a real train next week - they are off to Deeside Railway on Friday  to enjoy  a special ride just for the sunflowers - all will need to be dressed for outdoors that day as they will be going rain, hail or shine!

Our thanks to Deirdre Strachan who has very kindly donated lots of plant pots to us - these will come in very handy as Jo from Gardening4Kids will be visiting tomorrow to help the children plant winter bulbs and annuals and get the growing area ready for winter .
Next week we will also welcome Dini  from PyjamaDrama who will be leading drama , music and movement sessions with all the children on Tuesday afternoons- the sunflowers had a taster of this last week  and had great fun , so we're all looking forward to Dini's visits . We also of course , have Catherine , who comes on Wednesday afternoons for French activities with the sunflowers- her fun songs , games and puppets are always a firm favourite !

The Scottish Executive are continuing with their PlayTalkRead campaign and will be increasing their advertising of this in the coming months . They have developed some new activities and ideas now available on their website 
They have also issued a '30 things to do before you're 3' list which is now on display on the Schoolhouse noticeboard- have a look - its should make you smile!

A reminder that this is a holiday weekend in Aberdeen and we will be closed on Monday. We know you all love coming here(as do we!) but please don't turn up on Monday as you wont get in!  This will be the last public holiday until the Christmas break - we close at 6pm on Friday 21st December and reopen 8am Thursday 3rd January 2013 .

And finally - I will be on annual leave from Monday for 2 weeks, returning on Monday 8th October. Emails will not be answered during this time - please call the nursery if you have anything you wish to share with us. If you have any queries about changing attendance , invoices , funding and cash payments, please wait til my return as the staff are unable to help you with these . They will be happy to help you with just about everything else, so please call if you have any questions- thank you

Enjoy the long weekend !

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