Thursday 28 October 2010

At last

Hello everyone , yes I have finally managed to get the hang of this blog thing and now hope to update it on a every week .
You'll all be aware that its Halloween soon(how could you fail to notice all those pumpkins and costumes in every single shop you go into!) and all the Craigton children have been involved in Halloween activities - I hope you've all seen and admired the spooky decorations in the nursery. Children are welcome to come along in their costumes , but please remember to bring a change of clothing for outdoors- we don't want to ruin those beautiful fairy wings or spiderman outfits!
*****Important news: Parents Evening will be on Thursday 18th November 6pm to 7:30pm.
This is an informal evening , with wine and nibbles on offer , where you can look at your child's folio , try out some of the activities, chat with he staff and other parents. Please let the staff in your department know if you'll be coming along - look forward to seeing you all!
All the children now have journals to take home- this gives us a great link between home and nursery - please make sure you take these home with you at the weekend and let us know what your child has been doing at home - these are shared with all the children and they all really enjoy sharing their home experiences with us all - you don't need to take them every weekend or write a novel - just a few words and a picture is all we need!
And finally........don't forget the clocks go back this weekend- winter is coming!
More next week , Marion


  1. This Blogsite is great. What an excellent way to send communications to the parent.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Never done blogs before, so this all new. Apologies in advance to everyone if they receive something from me by mistake....oh technology!
